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>4chan is going to shit >fchan is not getting 4chan refugees how?
Anonymous 02/06/24(Tue)20:30:08 No. fg-XBZ0QZW7
fedibant site get better material tard
I Love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 02/06/24(Tue)22:21:56 No. fg-GIVUNNDZ >>fg-L8K7R2KO
I left 4chan because it was full of bad posters. I don't want 4chan idiots coming here.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)13:29:20 No. fg-L8K7R2KO
>>fg-GIVUNNDZ I assume there to be an unanimous agreement to never, under no circumstances even mention fchan on 4chan.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)13:39:15 No. fg-E9G8S4NI
>>fg-L8K7R2KO I've already done that before because somebody was saying that federated imageboards would "solve the alt chan problem".
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)13:46:35 No. fg-WZ4C5SYK
>>fg-E9G8S4NI From now on, I'm just gonna talk about it to people I like, rather than talk about it on a public forum. I don't have any internet friends so I don't have anyone to talk about this website with.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)16:49:04 No. fg-QL87IEMM
i talked about it near post8channers and it was horrible
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)01:14:36 No. fg-063MXW90 >>fg-BY56FQUE
If you want a super sekrit club, open federation is a bad fit. Gatekeep sites, not protocols. For one thing they are much more easily gatekept.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)01:30:08 No. fg-BY56FQUE
>>fg-063MXW90 Although, this site doesn't have to have open federation if the owner doesn't want it to.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)01:39:27 No. fg-5KHA4PO0
Anyway, you all seem to be relying on security through obscurity. Whereas my mind jumped to something like a password to enter. Take a look at this idea (could be implemented in a centralised or closed-federated way): https://peerchan.net/p2p/thread/9.html https://8chan.moe/t/res/12859.html This is real gatekeeping.
I Love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 02/08/24(Thu)03:38:20 No. fg-LF7EJ04W
>>fg-063MXW90 I think it's better if we looked for people we thought were good posters, rather than try and get as many people as possible from any website. Advertising to groups of people who you want on your site seems like a good idea. If you think having 4channers on this website is a good idea, then you can advertise it to them if you'd like. I stopped posting on 4chan all together, so I won't advertise there, but you can if you want to.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)15:15:59 No. fg-NXA652E6 >>fg-M23LTHDL
>>fg-063MXW90 >>fg-BY56FQUE you better be baiting
Anonymous 02/10/24(Sat)20:52:25 No. fg-M23LTHDL
>>fg-NXA652E6 Just telling the truth
Anonymous 02/13/24(Tue)19:41:46 No. fg-KEAWXM1C
>>fg-M23LTHDL a 10% truth with a federated imageboard and who you are speaking with try again in a month
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)01:58:58 No. fg-CRXBLM8T
>>fg-TFQXS42B (OP) Do NOT let 4channers know that other image boards exist for love of god 4chan is a containment zone for banned redditors and shillbots

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