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File: 157-5741_IMG.JPG (62.85 KiB) [Draw]
Reminder that he is too good for this world and we do not deserve him.
Anonymous 07/30/21(Fri)19:02:47 No. fg-KL4AQ56Q >>fg-4OHJVF89
I am big fan of his music
Anonymous 07/31/21(Sat)03:34:10 No. fg-4OHJVF89 >>fg-OZC77A3O
>>fg-KL4AQ56Q join us now now and share the software 🎶🎶
Anonymous 07/31/21(Sat)06:00:22 No. fg-OZC77A3O
>>fg-4OHJVF89 You'll be free, hackers, you'll be free. 🎶🎶
File: 1200px-Richard_Stallman_-_(...).jpg (504.20 KiB) [Draw]
>>fg-U4A0Q1M9 (OP) Music, dance, oration, creating a world changing movement through software; is there anything that he can't do?
Anonymous 08/01/21(Sun)06:43:47 No. fg-GMMYWHDA
>>fg-N1PKLTCA → That is true, hackers, that is true. But they cannot help their neighbors; That's not good, hackers, that's not good.🎶🎶🎶🎶
Anonymous 08/01/21(Sun)09:46:44 No. fg-Z8IFADLP >>fg-PLM2EO0J
Anonymous 08/04/21(Wed)20:15:09 No. fg-PLM2EO0J
>>fg-Z8IFADLP basado

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