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Future of fchan Anonymous 09/03/23(Sun)14:08:52 No. fg-YS5SAPIA
I really want an activitypub based imageboard to continue. Please do the needful
I am sorry bro but hosting an imageboard seems like a nightmare. I don't want to spend all my free time deleting child porn advertisements from the website.
Anonymous 09/07/23(Thu)11:28:39 No. fg-2LFEVZEN >>fg-SIT984TX
>>fg-SN159BD5 Does that mean Usagi isn't continuing?
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>>fg-2LFEVZEN I'm the admin and Usagi is shutting down in 17 hours
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>>fg-SIT984TX If that's true, then I'm disappointed but unsurprised. Thank you for providing a nice place to post for as long as you did.
Anonymous #Janitor 09/08/23(Fri)07:30:16 No. fg-OEJUBT6F >>fg-2Y4J45X1
It's so fucking over orz
Anonymous 09/08/23(Fri)08:54:34 No. fg-2Y4J45X1 >>fg-V9N7MXJV
>>fg-OEJUBT6F Should've looked for the admin tag, hmm? Oops. :^)
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i suppose i could join on the fun, but its like >>fg-SN159BD5 said, running public shit in current year is hell ig i could make it a private club where only registered ppl could post, but then it wouldnt be so anonymous anymore, right? itd save me from having to clean up spam since only my friends would be posting, but then id still have to hope the jannies from other instances do their job right i suppose id need to save a copy of posts on my servers so they dont have to be fetched at every request btw how do other instances know when a new post is made? is there a persistent tcp connection where they talk to each other, or does the instance initiate an http request with all of its followers to let them know a new post was made and they need to update their caches? how tf does federation even work and no im not gonna read 1000 pages of technical specs or 100000 lines of spaghetti code just to understand this braindamage
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>>fg-2Y4J45X1 it's stuck >>fg-BEBFE885 you send Jason the inbox (outbox?) and then it goes into the database
>>fg-YS5SAPIA (OP) If you want Usagi or a place like it to continue, spread the word. People can't post on a place if they're unaware of its existence.
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>>fg-M8ZMARTD Quality over quality. That's what I hate most about mainstream Social Media platforms, they are mainstream. The culture appeals to the lowest common dominator. Imageboard design appeals to the autistic, I say with a bias, the best types of people most of us can reach. Gatekeeping is necessary for reason to exist. Don't expect for the website to grow that fast. Best imageboards are small. I'd rather let usagi die, rather than have a community which encourages behaving like a monkey.
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I'm glad usagi took over this project, I'm still really excited about it. I have some ideas for dealing with the abuse problem, does usagi lurk the matrix channel?
Anonymous 09/22/23(Fri)23:19:54 No. fg-CILKSDTV
>>fg-BEBFE885 >ig i could make it a private club where only registered ppl could post, but then it wouldnt be so anonymous anymore, right? You could be anonymous to other users but the admin could see your account. After all, admins can see IP addresses anyway (unless you're using Tor). If you want anonymity to the admin as well, everyone could use the same password to login and no username.
Anonymous 09/22/23(Fri)23:24:37 No. fg-8TFMHZSR >>fg-6MQB1BJ9
P2P imageboard in development: https://gitgud.io/threshold862543/peerchan
Anonymous 09/27/23(Wed)00:58:04 No. fg-6MQB1BJ9
>>fg-8TFMHZSR >fork of jschan DEAD ON ARRIVAL
Anonymous 10/13/23(Fri)15:35:06 No. fg-K39N2VX6
>>fg-SSZ5FGYD Still "chainchan's" admin maybe interested in proper activitypub imageboard software instead of their heave-hacked tinyboard.
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I'm working on my own imageboard software, and a feature request was recently submitted for ActivityPub-based federation support. I wouldn't be against this, but it would likely take a lot of work, since I'm not very familiar with ActivityPub, and it was designed as a monolithic setup (i.e. only one instance per-community) https://github.com/gochan-org/gochan It has a plugin system using Lua and/or Go plugins which could (hypothetically) be used to connect to other ActivityPub instances
Anonymous 10/26/23(Thu)05:41:36 No. fg-YGDDBJ0H
>>fg-M8ZMARTD > If you want Usagi or a place like it to continue, spread the word. People can't post on a place if they're unaware of its existence. Nobody's doing that it seems...
Anonymous 11/19/23(Sun)07:36:26 No. fg-ZBPZATXS >>fg-50SV6SWH
hello text
Anonymous 11/19/23(Sun)11:33:08 No. fg-50SV6SWH
>>fg-ZBPZATXS hello Anonymous
Anonymous 11/19/23(Sun)15:47:57 No. fg-AYYS2LJL >>fg-43U4UA7K
I am curious about how this sort of software is supposed to run. Is it a separate daemon that runs on the background and uses a webserver as a reverse proxy, or is it a CGI script that is ran by the webserver at every request?
Anonymous 11/23/23(Thu)00:52:36 No. fg-2PCRFE8M
>>fg-SN159BD5 it's a non issue nowadays there must be some CLIP-like solution that deals with the issue automatically
Anonymous 11/23/23(Thu)06:34:41 No. fg-43U4UA7K
>>fg-AYYS2LJL FChannel runs as a "daemon". I can't really see any reason why you couldn't achieve the same with CGI.
Anonymous 11/25/23(Sat)21:40:56 No. fg-MFBC3QT2
>>fg-43U4UA7K I was just wondering if there is a "correct" way to do it. Because for a CGI script, you would need to initialize everything at every request. If it's a daemon, it doesn't need to load the entire database for every request, it already has everything it needs in memory ready to generate a response, so no overhead at the cost of having some memory used all the time. I suppose in the end it depends on the complexity of the software. If it's something very simple and not frequently used, there is no need to turn it into a daemon.

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