I'm bored, post internet radio stations. Music or otherwise.
I listen to Hirschmilch streams on occasion: https://hirschmilch.de/ >>fmu-IVPBFVVU That hidden service isn't working for me (tried yesterday and again today).
>>fmu-E74FQ8OQ operator wants to run a ceefax station on lokinet now
not how ceefax works but thats what she considers it
heres a new link http://mlkc77sivn6eghltmruu4hwadpuxmniamqe6w7y7l25xysxumpld7jyd.onion/ cant tell how long it will stay up for bnuuy better not let me post from overboard but it makes sense for fchannel
im not sure if im meant to share this http://c5lydmzixkra4zqbjs4gyetewqoci4kmt3sf5ij4njn3ymb4h6kxpwyd.onion/live/test.m3u8 >mu sometimes the operator puts on elevator music right now its just testing
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