Sometimes I am not sure if knowing the lyrics to a song would ruin it or not.
For a bit I was fantisizing about creating a video game where you were a blue person running in Slow Mo that would be set to this guys music.
Nice, relaxing music. Thank you, anon! After some research I found that they are both from a Ukrainian band called "Viy/Вій". I wonder where I can find more by them.
Found some stuff on youtube
>>fmu-L39RBNTL I was the person that made the post. He has a lot of songs on the internet archive since his band used to post songs under a free license on jamendo.
>>fmu-8KWSFF0N By "I was the person who made the post" I mean I am the OP poster.
>>fmu-8KWSFF0N That's cool. It would be great if more artists did that.
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