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Thinking about bootstraping a SAAS product by myself Anonymous 09/12/21(Sun)11:37:33 No. fprog-6C1D3VT6
I really like Guile Scheme and would like to use it to build a SAAS webshit product by it. I would do this in my free time and I don't want to use some enterprise grade bullshit in my spare time as well. If this endeavour doesn't fail, do you think using obscure tech for basically CRUD backend is a big obstacle for future?
Anonymous 09/16/21(Thu)19:53:32 No. fprog-YT3XKPKX >>fprog-R3GJU13M
>>fprog-6C1D3VT6 (OP) I think the future is just more convoluted frameworks. People now days do not want to make application specific code and throw the entire kitchen sink at their project when only needing a water container. I don't see things getting more lean in the future only more bloated. Now personal projects I don't think it's a terrible idea, especially since you might learn a thing or two doing it that way. But for the masses, no.
Anonymous 09/17/21(Fri)15:50:29 No. fprog-R3GJU13M >>fprog-FZUG0WK0
>>fprog-YT3XKPKX >I think the future is just more convoluted frameworks That is exactly why I want to do it in Guile. I found its ecosystem very lean with just some libraries that help you with a specific problem but don't try to impose a particular design onto your whole program. >People now days do not want to make application specific code and throw the entire kitchen sink at their project when only needing a water container. I can only agree with this and it makes me sad as an engineer. Most of the times I am just playing with Legos which results in having very superficial understanding of the very thing I am building. The worst in this regard is IMO Android development.
Anonymous 01/27/22(Thu)01:56:18 No. fprog-FZUG0WK0
>>fprog-R3GJU13M We'll be replaced by some AI soon enough, maybe we can ask those to maximize optimization

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