/prog/ - Programming

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doing a different lang Anonymous 08/23/22(Tue)17:47:58 No. fprog-A595263C
I only learned the basics of how to make ib/txt board scripts with php. I realized years ago that vichan was doomed, cuz the php 8+ broke and ruined vichan. I do have tons of simple ib scripts tho in php, very simple, just a couple lines of code. Lynxchan is nice, but the maker is too dumb to worry about security. He refuses to use deno instead of regular node js. Lynxchan relies on dependencies which rely on dependencies which rely on dependencies. That is STUPID. So lynxchan is one of the most functional boards no doubt, but there WILL be a time in the future when it is too hard to maintain. And node js has tons of security risks in general because of the way dependencies are used. Tons of articles say node js and npm in general is considered a security risk by many devs. Go is really nice. I like how it can compile to windows or linux. I will miss messing around in php but im gonna totally switch to GO tho, because now that you gave me a working script to get started in making an ib, GO can do everything php can. Php could possibly morph into something better in time, but that will not happen tomorrow, to be sure.

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