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File: 06d5647afb06a781d399470f5e(...).png (491.37 KiB)
leaving the bracket on the same line is better because it makes the source code smaller and thus reduces bloatness >imagine wasting time pressing a key just so you can put the curly bracket in a new line and make you code even uglier and more bloated pathetic
File: [disgusting].jpg (101.82 KiB)
imagine not putting your brackets on a new line
Anonymous 05/25/21(Tue)18:37:46 No. fprog-K0C4XC75 >>fprog-8HHG9SCM
>>fprog-AGAUVIB2 (OP) This is how civilization collapses, one bracket at a time. Little men cringing behind their glasses, staring and spaghetti code, sobbing as they tell themselves it's supposed to be hard to read. Your ancestors worshipped whitespace because they were not barbarians.
Anonymous 05/25/21(Tue)22:20:03 No. fprog-8HHG9SCM
>>fprog-K0C4XC75 8/10 pasta nice meme dude

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