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Rocky Linux Anonymous 08/23/22(Tue)18:43:42 No. fprog-B0C2D309
I don't suppose anyone has experience with Rocky Linux?? Currently i use a digital ocean vps, a bunch of sites on one server. I use ubuntu 22. Digital ocean offers other servers, rocky linux is cool. I used to run rocky linux with the old school php control panel, plesk. Plesk is old as fuk, but it got a bit more modern. Docker manager, for example, right from plesk, allows people to run a docker image right from plesk. Like ghost.org the popular node js blog can be run on multiple sites with plesk. I always kind of wondered how to use golang with plesk. Like. I wonder if i can make a regular plesk control panel, run a bunch of static/php sites on it, then just hand code golang sites. One would think I could just make the nginx config files and point the port to the right one, and then just install go and run go sites manually along side the plesk php sites. Not sure, I never tried. Regular docker seems the ultimate way, no plesk needed. I could install docker, then run multiple sites with docker from the single vps. The ONLY slight prob is that i have no clue how to set that up,i get lost whenever someone makes a tutorial that tries to explain how to make multiple sites with docker. Besides, I was waiting for a more graphical/easier docker manager to be invented, so anyone could maintain a bunch of websites from docker. I would love to use rocky, it does not have to be rocky tho. SO far, in ubuntu i know how to use nginx to make multiple sites on ubuntu, even golang sites. I am sure the way I do it is not very secure, it would prolly be best to use a control planel or manager of some sort. Was wondering if anyone knows of a control panel or manager to easily run a bunch of golang sites?? Most will just be static, since go works do good to serve static sites, that would be easy. I would also run a bunch of ib or text boards on some sites, too. Not a major deal, like I say I know how to do it on ubuntu and nginx, just wondering if anyone knows of a control panel or manage made to run a bunch of go sites, because I am sure it would have less security holes than the way i run sites just hand coding the nginx.

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