/prog/ - Programming

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File: lain.jpg (72.91 KiB)
Let''s all love Lain!
File: lain.jpeg (38.77 KiB)
>>fprog-B516579A (OP) bump for more lain love
File: 1610671638059.jpg (37.27 KiB)
Y = λf.(λx.f (x x)) (λx.f (x x))
Anonymous 01/17/21(Sun)20:52:00 No. fprog-7E22GGB8
>>B516579A based
Anonymous 01/18/21(Mon)12:10:53 No. fprog-9DGC3183
>>fprog-B516579A (OP) Where are the non-weeb instances?
File: weebdr.png (313.78 KiB)
>>fprog-B516579A (OP)
File: 1610942534328.png (746.10 KiB)
>>fprog-B516579A (OP)
Anonymous 07/26/23(Wed)12:22:43 No. foverboard-4LUV76H8
reply test

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