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Anonymous 08/26/22(Fri)08:18:50 No. fprog-B6D2A1C9
You guys!!!!!!!!!! https://github.com/anjumjfax/lupi can anyone fix this?? Its interesting as fuk cuz its only one small file!!!!!!!!!!!! so when you post, the image does not work at all. But like the first post will make a 0 file, the next post will make a 1 file and so on. looks like csv files interesting, when you go to /1 for example, it becomes a text board, no image file is asked for. Very interesting program, here is the whole code...https://github.com/anjumjfax/lupi fuck, that is just a few lines of code, ONE fucking small file!!! That is really, really cool, i don't suppose someone can fix it? Even if you made it a textboard, since the images do not work anyway. It is SO CLOSE to being an awesome, one file golang imageboard.

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