/prog/ - Programming

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File: fuckup.png (23.00 KiB)
>pentards already fucking up this is what happens when you make being added to a global list be opt out instead of opt in tards gonna tard
File: 1618880097271.jpg (296.25 KiB)
>>fprog-BG2CQYHC (OP) That's kind of funny
Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)13:35:47 No. fprog-KS2CCMIW
>>fprog-BG2CQYHC (OP) Oopsie ;)
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)22:11:14 No. fprog-QOQYUW8R
>>fprog-KANJT85E → we need mor
>>fprog-BG2CQYHC (OP) we need to expire dead servers umu now that penchan died af
File: yeee.png (66.47 KiB)
>>fprog-PJG0CSN3 >we need to expire dead servers umu now that penchan died af agreed
can we also do something about the lack of CORS? i added some on my end.
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)22:49:11 No. fprog-N0LQF8ZX
>>fprog-PJG0CSN3 >>fprog-6NSD3PVN Agreed
Anonymous 07/03/21(Sat)01:39:50 No. fprog-HRN7F7BB
>>fprog-TKQN4GE8 what the hell is CORS?
Anonymous 07/03/21(Sat)06:54:50 No. fprog-6UYTH2PJ >>fprog-WQT2TWFR
>>fprog-TKQN4GE8 To enable CORS in Firefox you open "about:config", answer "Yes" in the warning dialogue, find the setting "content.cors.disable" and change it to "true".
File: fchangithub.jpeg (191.46 KiB)
Anonymous 07/04/21(Sun)12:51:37 No. fprog-XPWVGMFG >>fprog-LWKQG7O6
>>fprog-TKQN4GE8 Why do you even need CORS support? Isn't that only for scripts?
Anonymous 07/04/21(Sun)13:24:39 No. fprog-LWKQG7O6
>>fprog-XPWVGMFG do you really want to have an XSS?
Anonymous 07/04/21(Sun)14:32:34 No. fprog-WQT2TWFR
>>fprog-6UYTH2PJ DO NOT DO THIS. CORS must be handled by server with appropriate headers https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS
File: 1617034924584.png (32.79 KiB)
>>fprog-TKQN4GE8 Patch submitted, it's only a matter of hours before it gets merged https://github.com/FChannel0/FChannel-Server/pull/36
Anonymous 07/04/21(Sun)21:31:11 No. fprog-K85VMHIK
>>fprog-8VCINN21 niceu picu
Anonymous 07/04/21(Sun)23:23:56 No. fprog-ZW1793L9
i have a primordial media proxy i need to finish making
Anonymous 07/05/21(Mon)00:55:51 No. fprog-4P53PYJ7
media proxy endpoint wired up http://2hu-ch.org/api/proxy?hash=bb469d75070cc69e3f0be0502c98e33ff5394e93da47a080950047fd9d6b131f

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