/prog/ - Programming

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Anonymous 08/27/22(Sat)14:54:12 No. fprog-F81A1043
threading IS the heart of any textboard. Threading makes or breaks the functionality and usefulness of any board. Your css is very nice, it does no good when the threading is not easy to follow tho. No one wants to spend time figuring out what reply went to what...if we wanted a puzzle we would go buy a soduku book or something. This app will never take off unless the threading was modified. Say what you want, make excuses... i know im right tho, ask other random objective people, I am sure you will get the same feedback.
Anonymous 10/08/22(Sat)04:38:59 No. 5QH6DP74
fprog-F81A1043 If you are talking about the text board, then I 100% agree, Shit is way too hard to read.

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