I made this while bored What add now?
>>fprog-NJ5VD3T8 (OP) add some comments, i have no idea what it does
>>fprog-NJ5VD3T8 (OP) nice sequence of commands. need to remove startenc and endenc unless you are meaning to keep those around. suggestions are depending if youre trying to cause damage or just leave your mark in as many places. atm it seems fine for its current use case. if you already have user control to execute the script you already have more access than the script will be able to provide. so this one seems to do its job.
>>fprog-NJ5VD3T8 (OP) >by Billy02357 AKA noid explain this
>>fprog-4QWEUW9T this is nothing
>>fprog-0247PJN6 i spotted you pal now spill the beans
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