/prog/ - Programming

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File: parentheses.png (113.17 KiB)
lisp general
Anonymous 05/22/21(Sat)19:32:59 No. fprog-D58VI7TQ
>>fprog-R3T1OZUX (OP) ((((((((((((((((lisp general)))))))))))))))))))
Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)06:40:37 No. fprog-033QE5AU >>fprog-UV66UZPP
>>fprog-R3T1OZUX (OP) Have you seen Fennel? It's a Lisp that transpiles to Lua. You can use it to make games. https://fennel-lang.org/ Check out this tiny pong implementation: https://github.com/bakpakin/Fennel/wiki/Cookbook-pong
Anonymous 06/26/21(Sat)15:12:59 No. fprog-X0R2B2WJ >>fprog-NVN65AO0
>>fprog-R3T1OZUX (OP) Scheme gang rise up! I'm using Guile atm, had anyone given any serious try to Racket language oriented programming?
Anonymous 06/26/21(Sat)20:05:38 No. fprog-NVN65AO0 >>fprog-F15L7S06
>>fprog-X0R2B2WJ is an empty list considered false?
Anonymous 06/27/21(Sun)09:46:57 No. fprog-F15L7S06
>>fprog-NVN65AO0 no, (null? '()) evaluates to #f
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)09:02:11 No. fprog-3ZBKOHK4 >>fprog-UV66UZPP
>>fprog-R3T1OZUX (OP) do we have any lispers around here? anyone using it in production?
Anonymous 07/10/21(Sat)23:11:08 No. fprog-JLYXCLDH
>>fprog-R3T1OZUX (OP) if that's what you see then why isnt it like that, silly?
Anonymous 04/26/22(Tue)18:42:50 No. fprog-UV66UZPP
>>fprog-033QE5AU Interesting. >>fprog-3ZBKOHK4 Yes.

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