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File: rust.png (10.49 KiB)
i wanted to give rust a chance, i really did but come the fuck on, not even the GNU Cbloatware Collection is this bloated
Anonymous 05/08/21(Sat)06:25:21 No. fprog-N73J6LPJ
Ive been debating checking it out too, but the whole dilating routine seems a bit much. I will just stick with C.
File: java.png (4.02 KiB)
>>fprog-TV1N4EVZ (OP) welcome to modern software, there bloat is more user friendly, more minimal and safer than minimal software This is now a Java thread
Anonymous 05/08/21(Sat)20:11:21 No. fprog-84GKOB0O
>>fprog-GBP5LGEM i had studies a bit of java back in uni, it wasn't so bad, but everything is extremely verbose i prefer C's concise naming conventions
>>fprog-TV1N4EVZ (OP) By using Gentoo, I can confirm it's bloated as hell without even looking at the size, it literally compiles a rust compiler using a C compiler, then re-compiles itself using the brand new rust compiler it just literally compiled, and then finally it compiles the entirety of the rust default bloat with this second rust compiler compiled from the first rust compiler that was compiled using GCC.
Anonymous 05/11/21(Tue)04:48:46 No. fprog-2DG941A7
>>fprog-5GSJ1SZ7 what the fuck this isn't even bloat any more, this is just retarded
Anonymous 05/26/21(Wed)00:44:18 No. fprog-LYCZ04OX >>fprog-TER5W7XA
>>fprog-5GSJ1SZ7 I gave up and replaced it with rust-bin, it's so fucking awful. Emerging rust is worse than firefox. My machine sounds like a jet engine the whole time too, it's so bad. Half the reason it's so bloat is because they bundle their own (out of date) version of llvm. And they checksum it and force you to use their own out of date bullshit too, you can't slip the system llvm in. I hear it's fun to write but packaging and compiling rust is terrible.
Anonymous 05/26/21(Wed)09:28:06 No. fprog-TER5W7XA >>fprog-89FUXSIE
>>fprog-LYCZ04OX good fucking lord, is the trannys cant into programming meme real?
Anonymous 05/26/21(Wed)14:47:46 No. fprog-89FUXSIE >>fprog-0I9UUZ2O
>>fprog-TER5W7XA some trannies don't take themselves as seriously and learn a normal language like haskell or lisp, since they are autistic usually and functional language attract them. but yea there's a reason trannies never use C, someone correct me if i'm wrong
Anonymous 04/30/22(Sat)07:13:58 No. CMKXCA8H
Anonymous 05/05/22(Thu)13:12:34 No. fprog-ED7P2AOR
>>fprog-CMKXCA8H → test deez nuts in your mouth
Anonymous 05/10/22(Tue)15:07:54 No. fprog-0I9UUZ2O
>>fprog-89FUXSIE once in a blue moon a tranny writes good code and does it in C, there's maybe 1 9front dev like that. most can't be fucked with using sane tools because they want to feel special or got molested by C programmers or something

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