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File: happy fun times.jpg (276.72 KiB) [Draw]
DOOM thread? DOOM thread! Time to rip and tear some demon assholes Other retro FPS games are also welcome
File: Hx8VpW6.png (1.67 MiB) [Draw]
Obligatory guide:
Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)18:23:16 No. fv-M4KYCE6A >>fv-FPG1DCO6
>>CJ80B6QB (OP) for me it's gotta be quake
Anonymous 08/18/21(Wed)01:13:43 No. fv-FPG1DCO6
>>fv-M4KYCE6A I also prefer quake, but doom is cool, respectable. Kudos OP.

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