I wish I was introverted sometimes. I am so unhappy being friendless.
I used to have a number of online friends but the group just kind of dissolved after a while.
introversion/extroversion is a gigantic meme, most people would describe me as introverted but that's only because I don't like socializing with them specifically. I only like socializing with people who have something in common with me (CRAZY).
>>9BV324MZ I think I'm what the comedian jreg calls a "failed extrovert". I crave social interaction but I'm socially awkward and not good at keeping friends.
>>HU0T3F57 Me personally I like to have so called "single serving friends" which are generally just people who I meet in vidyas, do silly things with, never see their face, never know their name, and never see or hear from them again after playing a vidya. Easy, convenient, cheap, plentiful, don't have to go outside, and best of all I never have to put in the legwork of maintaining a relationship or remembering what silly things I said while drunk.
>>EP7N2C11 i call those internet friends
>>EP7N2C11 I don't really like that tbh. Feels superficial and dehumanising.
>>LSD1Q3Q7 well in my case it's my only option so eh
>>XF3FGMI0 Why?
>>TK302AKG Can't make friends because genetic reasons, I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>KMZGFMJM Why would genetics prevent you from making friends?
>>FK8RLBR1 because I'm dumb ugly uninteresting talentless have no interests don't know how to socialize people dislike me etc etc bla bla bla boo hoo womp womp IDC
>>30Z1U76W Same here. But not everyone cares about how talented you are. Sometimes they just want someone to talk to or something idk.
>>27GJRMQO >>KMZGFMJM Have you tried?
>>DBJPBO0R In the past yes but now I don't see the point in trying and I have bigger issues than loneliness
>>M0TF79QZ (OP) on the vague topic of this thread, I used to have friends on the fedi but I've since abandoned my identity there because of embarrassment. And recently, I've had several people text me asking if I'm alive or not, I don't know if I should respond because it would be awkward that I've ignored them this long, but I'm also very lonely and these people digital people are the best friends I've had in a long time. I feel bad letting them think I've died but I don't know how I would recconect with them without looking like a total asshole. I wish things were like they were a few years ago, what should I do?
>>UO8QQGRJ I would personally respond to them and explain the situation. If they understand then you'll still be friends with them, whereas they don't you'll probably feel bad for a couple of days and then get over it. There's basically no risk. > I feel bad letting them think I've died but I don't know how I would recconect with them without looking like a total asshole. If they are asking if you're still alive, then they probably care about you and would be happy if you responded. It's a way bigger asshole move to act like you are dead when you actually aren't.
>>KDIXYGII at this point I think it's better to just be dead to them to save them the disappointment and to save myself the stress of having to apologize
>>UO8QQGRJ >>UHF8I2YA I don't know you or them, but I doubt you even need to "apologize". Just say life got busy and that you had to take a break for awhile and that you didn't mean to make anyone worry. >save myself the stress of having to apologize Sounds like avoiding them is causing more stress since it's been a couple of months between posts. Just get it over with. Again, just tell them that you were busy with life and need to take a break from the internet. If they try to pry, just say that you're not comfortable talking about your private life, but that you're fine. Don't stress yourself out about "apologizing", just say that you didn't mean to make them worry. If they're not angry, tell them that you're glad that they were thinking about you and that won't disappear again without saying anything. If you want to delete yourself again, just post a message ahead of time saying that you're deleting your account soon. People do it all the time on the fediverse.
>>FAPQFT0D This is hot.
>>FAPQFT0D would
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