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Interesting News & Links Anonymous 10/17/23(Tue)11:03:32 No. ZECX7JON
What have ya got?
Anonymous 10/17/23(Tue)11:04:51 No. XABZVY5U
I'll start: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/10/14/google-internet-spiral-of-decline-deepmind-mustafa-suleyman/ Google has sent internet into ‘spiral of decline’, claims DeepMind co-founder (2023/10/14) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37887562
Anonymous 10/17/23(Tue)11:21:44 No. 66DIUT63 >>B4KE118P
>>XABZVY5U I read the article and It wasn't really about google sending the internet into a spiral of decline. The vast majority of the article was spent discussing "AI" chatbots, an "AI" threat panel, and the founder of deep mind leaving google. Only the first 4 paragraphs had anything to do with the spiral of decline, the rest of it was other random shit about the danger or "AI". Funny that a news article about everything being filled with clickbait is clickbait.
Anonymous 10/17/23(Tue)22:36:10 No. B4KE118P
>>66DIUT63 Suleyman's a co-founder of an AI company Google acquired, so the article veering off in that direction shouldn't be surprising. He argues Google's hunger for ad revenue has had a detrimental impact on its search technology and results people may receive from it. AI as a possible replacement or supplement for search could be tainted in a similar fashion. He goes on to argue AI technology should be closely monitored with an eye toward regulation. Regulation of AI could also lead to problems down the road of course. Whether Suleyman recognizes that is an open question. Personally I'm watching open source AI efforts.
Anonymous 10/18/23(Wed)09:46:37 No. SZVIKGYI
https://phys.org/news/2023-10-climate-driven-extreme-earth-hot-humans.html Climate-driven extreme heat may make parts of Earth too hot for humans (2023/10/09) https://www.reuters.com/markets/global-debt-worries-mount-is-another-crisis-brewing-2023-10-16/ As global debt worries mount, is another crisis brewing?
Anonymous 10/18/23(Wed)15:14:02 No. 5EQIYP8C >>51XX3713
>>SZVIKGYI The world is gonna be really shitty in the future if we don't do anything about global warming. I can imagine the USA collapsing due to famines, refugee crises, wars with other countries over resources, cities being flooded, and extreme weather events destroying infrastructure. I wonder if you could dig a hole underground to avoid the heat, the ground is usually at a more constant temperature when you get below a certain distance, if you can do that then I would guess people would build basements that go deep into the ground for their homes. Another thing I thought of was that you could get a weather balloon and fly really high up to avoid the heat.
Anonymous 10/19/23(Thu)11:31:36 No. 51XX3713
https://phys.org/news/2023-05-plastic-pervasive-food.html Plastic pervasive in food supply, says new study (2023/05/19) https://www.huffpost.com/entry/un-report-ipbes-wild-species-extinction_n_62c992fae4b0359fa47c13ce Earth Is On Track To Lose More Than 1,000 Wild Mammal Species, UN Report Says (2022/07/09) >>5EQIYP8C > The world is gonna be really shitty in the future if we don't do anything about global warming. Yes, but climate change is only one problem among many more. There's a bunch of reasons we're headed for bad times. > I wonder if you could dig a hole underground to avoid the heat Probably. That idea makes me think of Arx Fatalis.
Anonymous 11/03/23(Fri)03:16:40 No. PB85GK8P >>X3ZYC2LY
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/24/israel-gaza-palestinians-holocaust Israel must stop weaponising the Holocaust
Anonymous 11/04/23(Sat)23:03:08 No. 8YZBEQI1
https://nullchinchilla.me/2023/05/two-kinds-of-censorship-resistance/ https://nullchinchilla.me/2023/06/earendil-uncensorable-decentralized-network/ Interesting blog and project.
Anonymous 11/04/23(Sat)23:06:31 No. X3ZYC2LY
>>PB85GK8P It's annoying when people cry racism over things that aren't bad at all. Like Jews saying criticising Israel is "anti-Semitic". And I say this as a half-Jew.
>>8YZBEQI1 > shutting down the whole Internet, for instance, is a foolproof strategy for a Type-II censor of any Internet protocol, and we need to carefully model our attacker's incentives and capabilities to rule out these high-collateral-damage strategies North Korea does this. They cut off all access to the outside worlds internet aside from a couple of computers. > Decentralized collateral freedom: can we build a decentralized network that has collateral freedom? If we achieve mass adoption of some Type-I censorship-resistant decentralized technology — say, a cryptocurrency — censoring all usage of that technology would be as hard as censoring centralized services used for current collateral-freedom systems. The challenge here, besides actually achieving mass adoption, seems to be that censors can simply mandate usage of a surveilled gateway to such a subversive network, and ban properly using the network. This achieves all their censorship goals without much collateral damage. In the case of cryptocurrency, for instance, nothing seems to prevent a regime like China from banning self-custody wallets, Type-II censoring all blockchain network traffic, and still participate in the cryptocurrency economy through "compliant" custodial wallets. It seems hard to design a system where such a gateway-based censorship machine will actually cause collateral damage. If I was a tyrannical government who wanted to control cryptocurrency, I would target the miners. If you could get 51% of the miners (computing power wise) to accept a change in the bitcoin software that lets a "trusted" third party make transactions with other people's wallets. The governments knows where the large bitcoin mining operations are and they could force them to adopt the different version. I would also ban the version of bitcoin that doesn't have that feature. What would end up happening is there would probably be a fork in the tree where some people (outside the country) rejected the change and others accepted it (like bitcoin cash, which was another time the miners got together and made a choice that benefited them against the public good, Bitcoin cash would have made it easier for users to make bitcoin transactions but it would have meant the miners would make less money on transactions). China might be able to do this because they have a shitload of bitcoin miners (not sure if they have over 50% of computing power though). The custodial wallets idea mentioned in the blog also works. According to cnbc "China was once the world's biggest crypto mining hub, accounting for between 65% to 75% of the total "hash rate" — or processing power — of the bitcoin network." (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/18/china-is-second-biggest-bitcoin-mining-hub-as-miners-go-underground.html). They cracked down on crypto mining so not anymore. The author could have also talked about allowing the devices to connect through an alternative physical layer (like gnunet has talked about). Most privacy tools don't ever talk about alternate physical layers but they can be used if you are being blocked in one layer. You can connect to gnunet through bluetooth or wifi (wireless LAN) as long as there are enough people around you running gnunet through bluetooth and somebody eventually has wifi or bluetooth connected to the internet. You could also create a darknet using just wifi routers or bluetooth if you wanted to. Also using Censorship when it comes to paying people doesn't seem right to me. Censorship is blocking of speech and I don't consider payment to be the same as speech. The morality issues around speech and the moral issues around payment are different issues.
Anonymous 11/07/23(Tue)21:23:31 No. 0MF0W24U
>>4PNMKA6J >The author could have also talked about allowing the devices to connect through an alternative physical layer (like gnunet has talked about) Have you heard of https://reticulum.network/ ? It can run over different transports, such as LoRa (the main one), TCP/IP, and others.
Anonymous 11/07/23(Tue)21:27:03 No. NLIQ2FRO
>>4PNMKA6J >Also using Censorship when it comes to paying people doesn't seem right to me. Censorship is blocking of speech and I don't consider payment to be the same as speech. The morality issues around speech and the moral issues around payment are different issues. I agree with you. But blocking one is a similar enough process to blocking the other that it makes sense to talk about them together. Or so the author seems to have thought anyway.
Anonymous 11/07/23(Tue)21:33:07 No. E99W2IGD
>>4PNMKA6J >If you could get 51% of the miners (computing power wise) to accept a change in the bitcoin software that lets a "trusted" third party make transactions with other people's wallets. From what I've read, you'd have to get the whole network to agree on a change to the software, not just miners. However, with 51% of miner hashrate you can control the blockchain (by directly adding/removing/modifying transactions, not by controlling the software). Which is what I think you meant?
Anonymous 11/21/23(Tue)08:44:07 No. HWDYOXE7
https://www.wired.com/story/hemisphere-das-white-house-surveillance-trillions-us-call-records/ Secretive White House Surveillance Program Gives Cops Access to Trillions of US Phone Records (2023/11/20) https://news.slashdot.org/story/23/11/21/013246/secretive-white-house-surveillance-program-gives-cops-access-to-trillions-of-us https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38353525
Anonymous 11/25/23(Sat)04:36:02 No. REX0SOEI
Nikki Haley Says Anonymous Social Media Posts Are a ‘National Security Threat,’ Demands All Users Verify Identity https://www.mediaite.com/tv/nikki-haley-says-anonymous-social-media-posts-are-a-national-security-threat-demands-all-users-verify-identity/
Anonymous 11/28/23(Tue)16:12:04 No. QEE1LX13
This is kinda funny lol: Anish Kapoor banned from using world's pinkest pink in retaliation for hoarding the blackest black https://boingboing.net/2016/11/14/anish-kapoor-banned-from-using.html
Anonymous 12/01/23(Fri)14:56:54 No. 2KRQTPDH
Redirecting one’s own taxes as an effective altruism method https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/AskPyNg6hHP6SrmEy/redirecting-one-s-own-taxes-as-an-effective-altruism-method
Anonymous 12/07/23(Thu)17:56:18 No. 6RFDVFTP
tangara: open hardware portable music player https://sr.ht/~jacqueline/tangara/
Anonymous 12/20/23(Wed)10:37:56 No. XOWJZ0KU
https://www.bbc.com/news/business-67448897 The quest to find healthy and cheap sweeteners (2023/12/15)
Anonymous 12/24/23(Sun)03:25:06 No. WZAN56DX
Introducing Proof-of-Work Defense for Onion Services https://blog.torproject.org/introducing-proof-of-work-defense-for-onion-services/
Anonymous 12/27/23(Wed)06:27:40 No. 7UR5V9HZ
https://www.theregister.com/2023/12/25/the_war_of_the_workstations/ War of the workstations: How the lowest bidders shaped today's tech landscape https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38763933
Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)06:11:47 No. ZM2Q5JKP
Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)06:14:13 No. BYUZP357
Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)06:41:04 No. 3WETVYQG
>>ZM2Q5JKP "A Bridge too Far: E.W. Dijkstra and Logic" This is a description of dijkstras career and the scandal he caused after he tried to create a logic system. >>BYUZP357 This is an essay of how recursion was introduced into algol 60. The blog was written by an influential logic programmer.
Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)07:48:37 No. 8EA85N81
>>7UR5V9HZ > It is a [sort of law of nature]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dollo%27s_law_of_irreversibility) that when you try to replace features that you eliminated, the result is never as good as if you designed it in at the beginning. The link to dollo's law in this sentence is incorrect. Firstly because it's about evolution which has no designer, and secondly because it doesn't say anything about the quality of the features.
Anonymous 12/29/23(Fri)16:39:50 No. R5WNN96E
This looks like a pretty cool charity: https://www.wearepact.org/ >At PACT, we protect every child’s right to grow up free from sexual exploitation and trafficking through: education, partnership, legal advocacy. Just gave £100
Anonymous 01/03/24(Wed)12:50:45 No. ISJ83QDS >>V5OOLSUL
Anonymous 01/03/24(Wed)12:51:27 No. ZUOSVJII
>>ISJ83QDS The zeitgeist is changing. A strange, romantic backlash to the tech era looms
Anonymous 01/03/24(Wed)16:10:09 No. 8UIIIZKL >>TZ9ENRJO
https://web.archive.org/web/20060611185528/https://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/lanier06/lanier06_index.html Criticizes Wikipedia. > Reading a Wikipedia entry is like reading the bible closely. There are faint traces of the voices of various anonymous authors and editors, though it is impossible to be sure. > When you see the context in which something was written and you know who the author was beyond just a name, you learn so much more than when you find the same text placed in the anonymous, faux-authoritative, anti-contextual brew of the Wikipedia. The question isn't just one of authentication and accountability, though those are important, but something more subtle. A voice should be sensed as a whole. You have to have a chance to sense personality in order for language to have its full meaning. Personal Web pages do that, as do journals and books. Even Britannica has an editorial voice, which some people have criticized as being vaguely too "Dead White Men." Wikis are so shit. wiki.c2.com is slightly better because the disembodied voices argue with each other, and you can express your opinions. People are also allowed to sign their names with their opinions, but any seminal idea will inevitably be refactored into an anonymous summary of the previous conversation "4. If comments seem to be converging then prepare for PatternMode by suggesting single paragraph patterns that CAPTURE the ideas present in the discussion. These are better anonymous or collectively signed so that all contributors know they are welcome to fine tune them" [https://wiki.c2.com/?ThreadMode].
Anonymous 01/04/24(Thu)03:27:50 No. Z9XG459R
https://caffeinesymposium.blogspot.com/2015/08/trigun-and-japanese-narrative-structure.html Trigun and Japanese Narrative Structure: A Response to ThatAnimeSnob
Anonymous 01/04/24(Thu)19:15:37 No. TZ9ENRJO
>>8UIIIZKL One of wikipedia's own founders shits all over it: larrysanger.org/2020/05/wikipedia-is-badly-biased That article is mostly showing how it is biased against the right in the united states, but here is a commie complaining about it too https://namelessrumia.heliohost.org/w/doku.php?id=wiki
Anonymous 01/04/24(Thu)21:39:59 No. V5OOLSUL >>IL504NYP
>>ISJ83QDS the article it references about 'luddite teens' is really dumb though https://archive.is/ZcazG
Anonymous 01/06/24(Sat)10:20:38 No. AL3EHCPU
https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-contaminants/the-plastic-chemicals-hiding-in-your-food-a7358224781/ The Plastic Chemicals Hiding in Your Food (2024/01/04) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38878683 https://science.slashdot.org/story/24/01/06/011259/consumer-reports-finds-widespread-presence-of-plastics-in-food
Anonymous 01/06/24(Sat)17:26:22 No. Z1TWE001
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8XBEJTXAwQ pretty cool.
Anonymous 01/06/24(Sat)17:38:47 No. TWQ2IJBT
>>Z1TWE001 CapROS also has data persistence across reboots.
Anonymous 01/16/24(Tue)18:29:21 No. IL504NYP
>>V5OOLSUL "Classist" Lmao I like the idea of flip phones though. But I'd never get one unless it supported end-to-end encryption.
Anonymous 01/20/24(Sat)11:25:49 No. QJ2PZ4ZU
https://www.pixelbeat.org/docs/coreutils-gotchas.html Coreutils Gotchas
Anonymous 01/25/24(Thu)05:53:34 No. ZQYHFFGW
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/259073 Bras Make Breasts Sag, 15-Year Study Concludes
Anonymous 01/29/24(Mon)21:13:52 No. BGXE8478
Cool short sci-fi stories: https://vgel.me/fiction/
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)05:25:37 No. YUET9MFT
https://www.nongnu.org/genshiken/ This web page was fact checked as true by GNUmerican patriots.
Anonymous 02/03/24(Sat)12:12:51 No. XD7WBW3U
https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/jan/21/hostile-architecture-is-making-our-cities-even-less-welcoming Cities are made to crush your soul.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)20:45:28 No. AEHE5J2R
https://www.techspot.com/news/101774-report-reveals-decline-quality-usb-sticks-microsd-cards.html Report reveals decline in quality of USB sticks and microSD Cards (2024/02/06) https://phys.org/news/2024-02-mimas-tiny-moon-young-ocean.html Mimas' surprise: Tiny moon holds young ocean beneath icy shell (2024/02/07) https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-68233330 Nuclear fusion: new record brings dream of clean energy closer (2024/02/08) https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-68110310 World's first year-long breach of key 1.5C warming limit (2024/02/08)
Anonymous 02/10/24(Sat)20:36:13 No. VF6IA30E
The world's first open source search engine to my knowledge https://stract.com/ https://archive.is/byCc3
Anonymous 02/10/24(Sat)20:58:15 No. G0VKFTQW
First Nuclear Plasma Control with Digital Twin https://tube.raccoon.quest/watch?v=4VD_DLPQJBU
Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)19:01:49 No. 55GI4SJ8 >>CZWDBGNG >>3SKKBG2Y
>>VF6IA30E The oldest free software web search engine I know about is YaCy (2003). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YaCy
Anonymous 02/11/24(Sun)19:31:33 No. IE3EZ3OE
https://www.theonion.com/god-kicking-self-for-not-coming-up-with-hentai-1849854260 God Kicking Self For Not Coming Up With Hentai (satire)
Anonymous 02/18/24(Sun)03:18:52 No. CZWDBGNG
>>55GI4SJ8 How could I forget about YaCy lol
Anonymous 02/20/24(Tue)05:54:23 No. 7MQT74CC
https://gist.github.com/munificent/b1bcd969063da3e6c298be070a22b604 A random dungeon generator that fits on a business card https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39420385
Anonymous 02/20/24(Tue)09:20:02 No. 3SKKBG2Y
>>55GI4SJ8 And the only free as in freedom, I know of.
Anonymous 03/13/24(Wed)16:37:00 No. 43TFVFEC
Anonymous 03/20/24(Wed)05:41:13 No. F99IDT65
https://dw.com/en/fossil-fuel-majors-miss-the-mark-on-climate-targets/a-68617638 Fossil fuel majors miss the mark on climate targets (2024/03/20)
Anonymous 03/25/24(Mon)22:51:20 No. M7YCC8Z4
Anonymous 03/27/24(Wed)08:37:41 No. 54OG6J5W
https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/26/cocoa-prices-are-soaring-to-record-levels-what-it-means-for-consumers.html Cocoa prices are soaring to record levels. What it means for consumers and why 'the worst is still yet to come' Is a world bereft of chocolate one worth living in?
Anonymous 03/27/24(Wed)19:33:49 No. XO4EOQRC >>Z49UKLM8
My Schizoid Dilemma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xXAHyQadwA
Anonymous 03/29/24(Fri)04:56:21 No. HV1DSJAN
https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/25/24108872/bluesky-ceo-graber-federation-social-media-decoder-interview Federation is the future of social media, says Bluesky CEO Jay Graber
Anonymous 03/31/24(Sun)17:20:29 No. UTGILJMN >>3CBB1NOL
>Is a world bereft of chocolate one worth living in? Yes, chocolate is nice to have, but it's not so important that life would be worthless without it. There are many things (like sex or masturbation) that are far more pleasurable than chocolate.
Anonymous 03/31/24(Sun)18:15:53 No. 3CBB1NOL >>DK77DPII
>>UTGILJMN All of them are temporary, as they only please the material part of our body. If you desire to be fulfilled on a long term scale, you must invest in the soul.
Anonymous 03/31/24(Sun)18:16:59 No. Z49UKLM8
>>XO4EOQRC Crazy to see Ryan pop up here.
Anonymous 03/31/24(Sun)23:43:03 No. DK77DPII
>>3CBB1NOL Based
Anonymous 04/01/24(Mon)18:04:02 No. ZB3CK0UB
>>3CBB1NOL I was comparing chocolate to sex because both of them are fleeting pleasures. It doesn't make sense to compare chocolate to any long term pleasure because they are completely different.
Anonymous 04/03/24(Wed)08:07:40 No. FDMJJ2UW
https://www.theblaze.com/return/what-dune-teaches-us-about-human-achievement-and-the-dangers-of-ai What 'Dune' teaches us about human achievement and the dangers of AI (2024/03/26)
Anonymous 04/03/24(Wed)08:46:41 No. MGTP3O34
https://www.theguardian.com/music/2024/mar/29/song-lyrics-getting-simpler-more-repetitive-angry-and-self-obsessed-study Song lyrics getting simpler, more repetitive, angry and self-obsessed – study
Anonymous 04/08/24(Mon)07:30:04 No. NT3YPRCF
https://www.theblaze.com/news/harvard-researchers-create-intelligent-liquid-that-has-ushered-in-a-new-class-of-fluid-study Harvard researchers create 'intelligent liquid' that has ushered in a 'new class of fluid': Study (2024/04/06)
Anonymous 05/04/24(Sat)15:02:58 No. UWTKU89E
Another independent FOSS search engine: https://clew.se/
Anonymous 05/05/24(Sun)03:10:29 No. FXQTZH5U >>GPDIC1CQ
https://clew.se/search?q=brandon+robert+kelley bunny its broken
Anonymous 05/05/24(Sun)03:18:11 No. GPDIC1CQ
>>FXQTZH5U >first result on ddg is a board called /cow/ There's your problem. Don't be a degenerate kiwifarmer and things will go well for you.
Anonymous 05/05/24(Sun)04:13:31 No. 803BFDAX
>>GPDIC1CQ It seems interesting because they focus on blog content.
Anonymous 05/05/24(Sun)17:39:28 No. EJYXQD9W
>>GPDIC1CQ so (((ddg))) is broken too >>803BFDAX if it cant resolve brandons everloved blog archive its broken
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)07:32:41 No. F7EM36YO
https://phys.org/news/2024-05-door-millions-qubits-chip.html Experiment opens door for millions of qubits on one chip (2024/05/06)
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)12:06:47 No. 2RZPN7NU >>3L6I5ROG >>PT1WPAKA
>>F7EM36YO Ugh, I don't like quantum computers because they can fuck up our current public key cryptograpy schemes. These can be replaced but Agencies are probably harvesting tons of encrypted and are planning to decrypt it if quantum computers come out. Also I'm not sure if we'll ever get consumer grade quantum computers, but if we do, I would be happy about that because I want a good way to factorize numbers, which shoors algorithm provides. It might also be fun to program them. They can also efficiently simulate quantum systems, which could be a good way to learn about quantumn physics. I've also read that quantum computers don't show supremacy over regular computers when it comes to most useful tasks. This could change since it only requires certain algorithms to be developed, but it doesn't seem very exciting right now. I wonder if quantumn computers can solve problems faster than classical computers. It seems like they can, but we don't know for sure.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)06:46:49 No. 3L6I5ROG >>PT1WPAKA
>>2RZPN7NU I was thinking about the asymmetric cryptography angle myself. There is work underway on post-quantum crypto, but it's early days right now. That quantum computers capable of breaking crypto widely used today might arrive sooner than expected is a concerning thought, especially coupled with massive data collection.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)10:50:16 No. 1KDG343Y >>PT1WPAKA
>>3L6I5ROG > There is work underway on post-quantum crypto, but it's early days right now. Some cryptography schemes don't have to change (symmetric and hash based), it's only public key cryptography that has to change. There's something called lattice based cryptography that could be used to implement quantum safe public key cryptography. There are also some newer schemes that aren't lattice based. The main problem with these approaches is that they have larger keys than the ones we use in our current cryptography algorithms. Some of these systems have been around for decades. In addition, We haven't proven that one way functions exist, so there's no way to know for sure if any cryptography scheme is safe. Every cryptography system could be crackable, and we just don't know it.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)18:59:31 No. WIQIE3TB
https://www.techdirt.com/2024/04/09/techdirt-podcast-episode-386-democratic-design-for-online-spaces/ I think this is a great idea. There should be more variety in forms of online governance that aren't just "the admin can do whatever they want". For one thing, a system that doesn't allow shadowbanning and editing posts would be great.
Anonymous 05/14/24(Tue)22:16:49 No. B23ET3VB
https://conlangery.com/2023/12/cursed-conlanging-with-agma-schwa/ https://www.nguh.org/languages/gumsmaq This guy is some kind of sadistic linguistic shitposter or something.
Anonymous 05/14/24(Tue)23:56:30 No. YZRFSZ84
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bah%C3%A1%CA%BC%C3%AD_Faith_and_auxiliary_language There's a religion that preaches creating an international auxiliary language.
Anonymous 05/16/24(Thu)15:36:10 No. PT1WPAKA
>>2RZPN7NU >>3L6I5ROG >>1KDG343Y SimpleX Chat supports PQC (post-quantum crypto) now. It doesn't use ML-KEM (Crystals-Kyber) like everything else because Evgeny is suspicious of it. It uses NTRU instead. https://simplex.chat/blog/20240314-simplex-chat-v5-6-quantum-resistance-signal-double-ratchet-algorithm.html >We hoped to adopt the algorithm that will be standardized by NIST, but the standardization process turned out to be hugely disappointing, and the ML-KEM (Kyber) algorithm that was accepted as a standard was modified to remove an important hashing step (see the lines 304-314 in the published spec)), that mitigates the attacks via a compromised random numbers generator, ignoring strong criticism from many expert cryptographers, including DJB (see this discussion and the comments NIST received). To make it even worse, the calculation of security levels of Kyber appears to have been done incorrectly, and overall, the chosen Kyber seems worse than rejected NTRU according to the analysis by DJB.
Anonymous 05/16/24(Thu)17:45:39 No. RH3MKX5Z
>>PT1WPAKA Cool.
Anonymous 05/16/24(Thu)18:05:26 No. KTXSJ2DK
Pals fooled after following ‘Northern Lights’ - only to discover glow was a Premier Inn sign - Mirror Online https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/pals-fooled-after-following-northern-32803868 Lol
Anonymous 05/18/24(Sat)20:57:39 No. ICKDBLX7
>>KTXSJ2DK it seems like the sign is doing its job.

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