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we need to psyop more imageboard admins into using fchan
Anonymous 07/21/23(Fri)23:09:14 No. LCH58U0E >>L7OVWE7V >>EG00N8JT
>>3MUPH81V (OP) but koishi-sama, I don't want to deal with child porn
Anonymous 07/22/23(Sat)05:19:45 No. HGY9ADYJ
that didnt work for nntpchan
Anonymous 07/22/23(Sat)06:00:13 No. fmain-6TIY3A52
Try bringing more people here - make Usagi a chan others would want to federate with.
Anonymous 07/22/23(Sat)06:06:15 No. L7OVWE7V
>>LCH58U0E you can't post piddyporn on feditext
Anonymous 07/22/23(Sat)08:37:47 No. EG00N8JT
>>LCH58U0E whats the point of having a federated imageboard if you are not going to federate it with anyone
Anonymous 07/22/23(Sat)12:24:31 No. B1F8VXIM
going to hack fchannel to dither all images for keks and make a tor instance just to please you fags eta never
Anonymous 07/22/23(Sat)15:57:14 No. fmain-VVE3P9DY >>GJC11N0X
>>fmain-6TIY3A52 I brought the koshi poster over here.
Anonymous 07/22/23(Sat)20:03:07 No. GJC11N0X
>>fmain-VVE3P9DY If you want to bring more /bant/oids over, then add flags+ID
Anonymous 07/23/23(Sun)12:05:51 No. 5VQTLNAF
seriously, add the features and I will send all of Otakucord to colonise this board
Anonymous 07/23/23(Sun)12:57:25 No. SNWBTYC2 >>UK9TQLRA
or add a /bant/ board with ID+flags so you can keep /b/ purely anonymous
Anonymous 07/23/23(Sun)13:59:01 No. UK9TQLRA >>fmain-GCW6EX9H
>>SNWBTYC2 Maybe. I have had a hidden /int/ board for ages that I never bothered to improve. It adds unicode regional indicator symbols in front of your name (🇺🇸).
Anonymous 07/24/23(Mon)10:32:07 No. fmain-GCW6EX9H
>>UK9TQLRA Actually wouldn't be too hard to do, probably thirty minutes of work at most.
Anonymous 07/25/23(Tue)15:38:12 No. GXZ1QF86
good. the next necessary feature would be to be able to post from the overboard
Anonymous 07/25/23(Tue)16:32:13 No. RL0KBTA7
also, there seem to be issues. only every second post seems to go through
Anonymous 07/25/23(Tue)16:57:12 No. YIDWSWSQ
next add geolocation liks staffas.org and infinite scrolling
Anonymous 07/25/23(Tue)17:03:39 No. 5P79JDEC >>P75HOJTT
>>YIDWSWSQ Do not add infinite scrolling. Infinite scrolling is unethical. Regular flags are better than that weird goat head shit.
Anonymous 07/25/23(Tue)17:13:56 No. P75HOJTT
>>5P79JDEC I don't mean by default. Infinite scrolling as an option next to the pages like the vichan standard
Anonymous 07/25/23(Tue)20:36:56 No. R7D0OYPH
https://usagi.reisen/static/faq.html > You can get the source code on https://github.com/FChannel0 which is available under AGPLv3, which means that you can modify the source code of fchan however you like as long as you share your source code with everyone else. This isn't exactly correct. You only have to share the source code to people who receive derivative works of the source code, or people who use your website to communicate with the program.
Anonymous 07/25/23(Tue)20:40:08 No. 2RMHO8X6
>>R7D0OYPH > The GNU Affero General Public License is a modified version of the ordinary GNU GPL version 3. It has one added requirement: if you run a modified program on a server and let other users communicate with it there, your server must also allow them to download the source code corresponding to the modified version running there.
Anonymous 07/25/23(Tue)20:40:36 No. IOAA1SHO
>>2RMHO8X6 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/why-affero-gpl.html
Anonymous (ID: hKzeWD9m) 07/26/23(Wed)10:41:23 No. fbint-3U19Q1CK >>3E36FGW7
Anonymous 07/26/23(Wed)11:33:44 No. 3E36FGW7
>>fbint-3U19Q1CK hmm
deleted 07/26/23(Wed)12:20:19 No. VHF8KF0P
File: (72.31 KiB)
Anonymous 07/26/23(Wed)15:13:57 No. KDL7LYVM
>>fbint-3U19Q1CK Hax
Anonymous (ID: m1K6oCLg) 07/26/23(Wed)15:18:49 No. fbint-CAXXOD0E
Anonymous (ID: m1K6oCLg) 07/26/23(Wed)15:19:31 No. fbint-EFF06Z2Y
Anonymous 07/30/23(Sun)03:56:47 No. KU5OA0JZ
I honestly do not care how many people are on this board.

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