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Masturbation Anonymous 08/24/22(Wed)11:37:26 No. 4N9SMXHC
ITT we talk about masturbation. How often do you masturbate? 1- Never (you quit masturbating). 2- Once a week or less (you could be doing it just so that you don't have nocturnal emissions). 3- Frequently, Once every 2-5 days (You just like to do it). 4- Once a day, very frequently (You love to do it). 5- At least twice a day, extremely frequently (can't get enough of it). Do you have a preference for time of the day? 1- I am fond of doing it in the morning (It could be boosting you to start your day). 2- Middle of the day is good (Could be keeping you going). 3- Night time is optimal (You could do it before sleep for the dooziness). 4- I don't really have a preference. 5- I said I never masturbate! Do you think masturbation is good, or bad for **creativity** and **productivity**? 1- Very good. 2- Slightly good. 3- A bit bad. 4- Very bad and harmful. 5- Neither / dunno. For me, it is 3-3-3. The most concrete study I found was Freud's sublimination (https://youtube.com/watch?v=Kv-ZZYepjfY). It is said that you should sublimate your sexual energy to productive works, instead of orgasming. I do feel like cooming drains my energy to do any work, as I already have received a sense of accomplishment that my brain needed. (ALSO WHY CAN'T I STILL POST W/O JAVASCRIPT AAAA) Answer in the format of "2-4-1" and state your opinion anon.
Anonymous 08/26/22(Fri)09:09:56 No. SIEITMBQ
>>4N9SMXHC (OP) 3-3-3 also I don't use porn. My imagination is enough for me
Anonymous 08/26/22(Fri)16:27:44 No. 615ZKVIH
>>fb-SIEITMBQ >My imagination is enough for me based. though why don't you quit entirely?

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