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File: jCiQaTQxiSyPJYcpwyaO.jpg (6.06 KiB) [Draw]
loki to onion
Anonymous 07/23/24(Tue)21:56:45 No. fext-QR3Z0IUW
>>ffedi-W79TA0XC (OP) onion to loki
Anonymous 07/24/24(Wed)05:31:34 No. CGXL2PQH
>>ffedi-W79TA0XC (OP) ok. usagi to lokinet also federated?
File: tegaki.png (45.20 KiB) [Draw]
>>CGXL2PQH yep.
Anonymous 07/24/24(Wed)23:26:46 No. H0401SO4
>>ffedi-W79TA0XC (OP) where did you get that image of the orange melvin?
File: bbbthings_1y.jpg (6.37 KiB) [Draw]
>>ffedi-W79TA0XC (OP) this thread is very ominous.......
Anonymous 07/25/24(Thu)19:35:25 No. ffedi-SS9WR5BP
>>H0401SO4 from fluoridewastelands.neocities.org
Anonymous 07/26/24(Fri)17:07:26 No. FEHUDJZL
>>ffedi-SS9WR5BP weird website
File: UUVGqByAJgMgherjmiaq.jpg (8.54 KiB) [Draw]
>>FEHUDJZL u right
Anonymous 08/08/24(Thu)17:02:25 No. J8I94XIN >>TJU3F29Q
was someone trying to federate? the images broke
Anonymous 08/10/24(Sat)16:42:55 No. TJU3F29Q
>>J8I94XIN its probably because the loki instance is down
File: MFWERgctrSxBgRcqacSV.jpg (16.30 KiB) [Draw]
>>ffedi-OR1W715K yep, my loki and onion instances was times down. and looks that in fchan dont have queues for repeating not federated messages in that cases.
File: nqIsnRzmzVjbzBcIiCBU.jpg (3.01 KiB) [Draw]
>>ffedi-XZLL280A test i2p to loki federation
Anonymous 08/12/24(Mon)20:45:09 No. ffedi-HY7Y6RJ2
>>ffedi-OP7MH2VV >>test i2p to loki federation looks work
Anonymous 08/12/24(Mon)20:48:07 No. 5DPIFOLX >>W31GVGCO
>>ffedi-OP7MH2VV hmm...interesting - usagi have connectivity to i2p?
Anonymous 08/13/24(Tue)04:06:16 No. W31GVGCO
>>5DPIFOLX it just surprises me that someone is using images from that weird ass website to test connection like how did they find that website?
File: TSKtNgBwE|jyepkqPcFd.jpg (6.75 KiB) [Draw]
>>ffedi-W79TA0XC (OP) ok, final tests before submit PR to https://github.com/anomalous69/FChannel-Server
Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)20:48:06 No. ffedi-RY25FKZV
>>ffedi-5R9V9MP4 PR created https://github.com/anomalous69/FChannel-Server/pull/1

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