Admin, whenever I report a thread it redirects me to the thread after I report it. This is a terrible behavior because it means I am seeing the shit that I want off the board. This is a minor nuisance when it comes to some things but I absolutely do not want to get redirected into a child porn thread every time I report something. Make it redirect you to the index instead of the thread you are reporting.
>>5REEAKM1 (OP) I've made it redirect you to the page you made the report from instead. This way it won't take you into a thread unless you are already browsing it, so if you make a report from the index you will be returned to the index. If your client doesn't send a referer header then it will fallback to the board index.
>>5REEAKM1 (OP) >>1X1XELHG Oh yeah, and feel free to open some test reports if you want.
>>37LCYPHO Ok, thanks. I tried it out and it always redirects me to the report page for the post I want to report (IE filing a report on redirects me to after I am done filing it) It's like an infinite loop.
>>UHFNET8N It should work properly now
>>2V5RQ1AZ it works
>>5REEAKM1 (OP) prprpr
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