/b/ - Random

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File: ayylmao.png (4.02 KiB) [Draw]
what did bunny mean by this
I Love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 03/02/24(Sat)08:55:00 No. CXPUUJFL
Lol, I also saw that.
Anonymous 03/02/24(Sat)09:00:28 No. RPXXL8WL
fail -_-
File: ayylmao.png (292.31 KiB) [Draw]
>>CXPUUJFL bunnyi entering her rebellious phase
File: tegaki.png (298.88 KiB) [Draw]
Anonymous 03/02/24(Sat)12:49:24 No. 9PFTPUK9
>>N5QICQ80 evil bunny tbf
Anonymous 03/03/24(Sun)04:34:29 No. LMYLJ8S8
bunny resolved pubsub refs send the onion and loki towards clear catalog buttons href breaks when the url is /b/ instead of /b probably a argument for forcing urls with redirections i didnt think of before xanadu is a joke

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