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File: stallman_free_software_son(...).ogg (6.40 MiB)
The free software song by richard stallman.
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)03:53:02 No. AOCOJECW
This is a video even though it's rendered as a audio file. Open the file link in a new tab (middle mouse click, or right click > open in new tab) to watch the video.
File: Infinite-Hands--free-softw(...).ogg (3.62 MiB)
File: gnu-v1.2-daniel_kelly.ogg (7.53 MiB)
File: eternal-flame.ogg (5.26 MiB)
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)04:05:04 No. Y0YI4ITS
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)08:26:35 No. ZVNI5B6C
File: Free-Software-Song-CAmFG.ogg (7.17 MiB)

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