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File: _124203005_hi074985706-334(...).jpg (273.29 KiB) [Draw]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kMIqh64tvg [Embed] >tfw the nutrient-rich deep ocean supports an advanced civilisation of cephalopods who regularly send crafts to the surface which are the source of our UAP sightings
Anonymous 06/17/24(Mon)14:13:03 No. BY7E109O >>DVXQ6RRX
The deep ocean doesn't get enough sunlight to support such a civilization.
Anonymous 06/18/24(Tue)16:51:59 No. DVXQ6RRX
>>BY7E109O they use hydrothermal vents and burn micro plastics
Anonymous 07/30/24(Tue)20:58:53 No. 3FL7AEIM
they breathe dark oxygen

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