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is sex immoral? i don't want to fuck any girl i want a wife/gf to make love with.
Anonymous 10/19/21(Tue)23:47:00 No. B5TBNUEG >>BZC90R12
>>fb-SWKPNVYA → whenever i am out at parties i hear these dudes talking that they just want a "hole" to fuck that night and it doesn't matter to them at all. i always found that very disgusting and unpleasing to hear and told them that i wouldn't want to have sex with just a random girl it needs to be a special woman. to which they often would've called me a fag or something but my take is that they are just low-quality guys and the girls they'll or get are also low-quality. i was always unsure if my standards in this regard are set too high but since you have a similar point of view i think i will just try to find a good girl
Anonymous 10/24/21(Sun)10:10:58 No. BZC90R12
>>B5TBNUEG You have the right idea. I'd sooner starve than eat shit.
Anonymous 12/05/21(Sun)05:39:05 No. MWHOIHVK
consentual or not?
Anonymous 12/07/21(Tue)07:38:45 No. 6RVZJULT
>>fb-P0LA7GA7 → bro why are you so aggressive about? i never mentioned that i am not looking for it, just that i am really confused with all the people talking crazy shit

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