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When I am World Dictator, school bullying, allowing school bullying, being okay with school bullying, and making jokes about bullying victims will carry the death penalty.
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I made fun of someone in high school, and didn't say anything about the bullying of another. I feel bad for it now. One of them was an autistic kid who would always have a panic attack in math class over it being to hard. It would interrupt the whole entire class. He would always scream about how "the rules keep changing", one day I said something mean (I don't remember what), and he took off his shoe and threatened to throw it at me. I also ignored him if he tried being friendly with me (he really liked Nintendo games and he knew I liked them too), because I didn't want to be seen as weird by association. I also made fun of him behind his back a bit (mainly talking about his freak outs, never spreading lies or rumors). I also found an undertale fan fiction he wrote (from googling his name), but I never made that public, it was just something I kept to myself. I'm pretty sure the other kid was a meth baby, he was slightly screwed up (mild intellectual disability, short, and looked weird). He really liked annoying people in middle school, so he became a punching bag. I don't remember doing anything bad to him, but I remember my friends would bully him and I wouldn't say anything about it. The biggest instance was when he tried to sit with my friend group at the lunch table (we didn't ask him, but he wanted to anyways) and one of my friends yanked the chair out from under him and threw his backpack away. My friend did that because he didn't want us to get bullied by association with him. He was bullied a lot harder by other groups of people, but my friend group didn't have anything to do with that. One of my acquaintances did something really mean to him (he created a fake love letter posing as a girl he knew he liked), I remember him bragging about it, and I didn't think it was funny, but I didn't say anything. I'd also listen to when people talked about bullying him, and sometimes it was kind of funny, but I should have said that they should stop. Other than the one comment I made to the autistic kid, I don't recall ever going out of my way to bully people. I mainly talked about people behind their backs (never spreading rumors, only complaining about their freak outs). If I could go back in time, I wish I was brave enough to befriend them, or at least tell the people I knew that bullying them was wrong. Especially the autistic kid, because we had similar interests.
Anonymous 05/22/24(Wed)17:12:42 No. XUMWA1CF
>>JB5YIRQA I made fun of some people before school when I was in a "home-ed group". One was a violin player and I said his playing sounded "screechy". But IIRC I wasn't trying to be mean to him at first, I was just being brutally honest. Possibly later it started to be funny to me. The other I made fun of for being short. I have apologised to them now. I also remember chasing people and being chased. In school, I and my friend group were the ones getting bullied. I guess that's karma or something.
Anonymous 05/22/24(Wed)19:36:34 No. CDOJMV0Q
>>XUMWA1CF I also made fun of my friends in school but it was done in good spirits. They'd also make fun of me. We had tough skin so it didn't hurt us. I remember we kept calling my friend this one name he really hated until he eventually started gut punching us whenever we called him that, after that we stopped. To me, there's a huge difference between insulting someone you know and love, with something you know they can defend against, vs insulting someone you hate to hurt or embarrass them, or insulting someone who can't/won't fight back.

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