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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0fwRMvNkoA Why wouldn't the thought experiment mean that negative mass doesn't exist because the conclusion is absurd? I'm not a physicist but it feels like word salad to me.
Anonymous 06/24/24(Mon)05:10:52 No. SAN5CASZ
I'm so fucking lonely its unreal
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>>fa-4V6YHC1W mhepmpbh
Anonymous 06/25/24(Tue)06:55:06 No. 7V0FRSUV
the coworkers that i get for any job that I'm allowed to attempt are retarded illiterate drug addicts that can't do anything other than masturbate, leaving me to pick up all their slack for minimum wage. I hate my life and I wish that I was born rich enough to afford formal education education so that I could get a half decent job

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