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peertube Anonymous 12/08/21(Wed)20:53:28 No. MKHKIFOQ
>https://deadsuperhero.com/peertube-content-wasteland/ this guy is right. where's all the peertube content anons? it's in a really good working state with a bunch of features. but there's still no true cozy peertube community yet.
Anonymous 12/14/21(Tue)02:36:01 No. fb-87G4B67N
It's a circular problem. People stay on youtube because all the content is on youtube so new producers start on youtube, etc. Peertube doesn't have any killer features compared to youtube, so it needs a content producer who is really committed to the platform and has fans who are enthusiastic enough to follow them to the platform. Nobody has stepped up to fill that role, partially because anyone super committed to making videos on the internet could do it on youtube and get paid for it, too. (Yes I know they could use patreon and liberapay but if they want to make it a job they will hedge their bets with money and stay where the views and the ads are.)
Anonymous 12/17/21(Fri)06:15:18 No. fb-IGOMJMJ9
>>fb-6EPHPXBP → i'm cynical and elitist as hell when it comes to this sort of thing, i have seen enough good things being ruined because it was overrun by normalcattle and started trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator. i suppose the fediverse might be able to cope with this since you aren't forced to live in the same space as the rest of the NPCs, but it will become a huge problem if the protocol itself changes to cater to them (similar to what happened to the HTML format, but maybe worse since ActivityPub is used mainly in social networks) because it can cause serious backward compatibility with those who refuse to use the new pozzed specification. there is also another, more annoying problem: normies generate a lot of noise, so it might be hard to find good fediplaces among all the trash that will be created. this problem arises when it is dead simple to create something, it is true that more great stuff will be made, but also garbage will be a lot more common. see what happened to game development now that any clown can pick up unity and make a prepackaged game. i don't think fedi will die out, it is a good spec, even gopher is still alive nowadays, if only as a niche thing, and it remains unpozzed. i think fedi has a better prospect if it is run by autists and schizos like it has always been, because they are more likely to do things out of passion than looking for clout.
Anonymous 08/06/22(Sat)03:42:24 No. fb-DIRCPP92
I tried making peertube let's plays but after I updated my OS my computer would always freeze when I opened OBS.
Anonymous 08/06/22(Sat)03:43:16 No. fb-6TMB1QM0
thecool.tube seems like a cozy community.

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