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Somebody was walking an emu around town the other day. It was pretty cool, I got to pet it.
Anonymous 08/06/23(Sun)02:36:20 No. XUNENDS6
How did it feel to pet it?
Anonymous 08/06/23(Sun)02:52:50 No. DZXWV4TP
>>XUNENDS6 It was less soft, than a furry animal, slightly more rough than a dog, and my hand felt a little bit oily after. I tried petting the inside feathers but they weren't as soft.
Anonymous 08/18/23(Fri)17:37:46 No. JZ8GTJOL
lmao wtf how do you even tame a emu to ride it? can it actually carry the weight of a person? or was it a really skinny dude riding it? where tf do you even live to see shit like this holy shit
Anonymous 08/20/23(Sun)22:51:58 No. 3AKV0GVT
>>JZ8GTJOL He wasn't riding it, he was walking it around on a leash.
Anonymous 08/20/23(Sun)22:59:07 No. XDAHENW1
>>3AKV0GVT Ostriches are big enough to ride, emus are not.
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)02:32:47 No. Q063KNBE
>>Q3LSWC2M (OP) Are you Australian per chance? I've been informed that walking tamed emus in public is somewhat normal over there
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)02:40:46 No. O3GE1VYL >>3TQ5CV7Z
>>Q063KNBE I am not austrailian.
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)08:19:56 No. 3TQ5CV7Z
>>O3GE1VYL Then are you from a British colony?
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)09:13:15 No. 8Y3A91WU
>>3TQ5CV7Z No, I am from USA
Anonymous 02/18/24(Sun)03:14:36 No. S45JBSJU
I've seen people riding horses from time to time here in Wales.

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