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File: niggerchan.png (151.64 KiB)
retarderation boards Anonymous 07/23/21(Fri)07:01:29 No. TRE7SXUP
imagine running a "federated" chan that nobody on the internet gives a fuck about, and needing to shamelessly promote it on cuckchan? amazing levels of faggotry. when will you all be livestreaming your suicides? post links in this thread.
sage 07/23/21(Fri)09:55:02 No. JRPTTTPW
>>TRE7SXUP (OP) >HUUUURR one retarded anon shilling means everyone here is a shill! imagine being an imageboard newfag and then bitching on its behalf elsewhere on the internet please keep your retardation on normiechan

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