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Hi Im new and lost Anonymous 06/21/24(Fri)23:23:02 No. MBQNMITQ
Hi I’m new here and a bit lost still. Why am I here? Well, I’m reaching out looking, for a website, a forum, a chat, something, because I have a fetish that seems taboo, and sick of feeling isolated and alone. No, it’s not p3d0 / CP, well except to most people who don’t bother to look past a cover it is, I’m more Hedephilia or Ephebophilia, but only within the context of Macrophilia. Whether it was Land of the Giants, Gulliver’s travels, Honey, I shrunk, or the fact most cartoons had a “shrinking episode” (TMHT/TMNT where they shrunk and April found them “you’re so tiny”) all got me excited. However, the Macrophilia community is really judgemental, and anything that vaguely looks under 18 is deleted and you’re banned. Japan seem to be the only place that understands, quite a few anime and manga about Giantess girls (though I prefer regular sized girls finding a shrunken guy), and yes while 18+ is fine most of the time, there’s something cute, endearing, about those mangas about schoolgirls. To be clear, I do not want to abuse anyone, least of all anyone under 18. I am not interested in any of that material (CP) that sounds like it’s floating around this part of the web in vast amounts. The fact is the reverse is true, I would like them to abuse me, well unknowingly, as I prefer gentle, kind, mischievous and lewd, not cruel like many apparently do, it’s a fantasy where I’m the size of a toy, a doll, a small action figure and she’s curious and exploring sexuality as it’s new to her still. Like a lot of these things it’s a power dynamic but it’s the opposite of seemingly what most expect. I’m not identifying with the victim, I want to be the victim but to a sweet, innocent, curious, lewd girl taking advantage of me. When I was younger, there were websites that had collages, they were rough, literally look like someone had cut out and stuck together in real life paper and scanned back in, but you know tech was basic back then. Guessing they’ve all been shutdown now or too scared to operate. Now we have AI, but again there’s so many limits and censorship. So, there it is, I’m lumped in with the monsters, kink shamed, when all I want to do is write, make AI images (not using anyone’s likeness, though I’m not sure public figures can escape people doing whatever, anyway), chat with other likeminded individuals. I wouldn’t harm anyone in real life and have no interest in any material that caused harm to someone in its making. So, anywhere here and anyone like that? Any address you point me to or advice? Or is this part of the web just the other extreme end and I’m looking for something in the middle that doesn’t exist?
Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)02:01:52 No. ULW8F3AD
I am kind of similar. I fantasize about being sexually abused by anime middle/high schoolers but I don't want them to be giants. I also only interested in drawn stuff, and don't want to hurt anyone. > and anything that vaguely looks under 18 is deleted and you’re banned. I fucking hate this shit so much bro, Same with the people who ban non-consentual fantasies. I am a masochist, and I love the thought of being raped.
Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)19:40:59 No. 4XSVQXHE
Do you want them to be normal sized and you small or are you normal sized too? I was so excited when I found out about new AI technology for chatting and making images from scratch, but it’s so heavily censored and really struggles with understanding the whole point of the size difference. I guess, technically I want to be raped too, but it’s not violent which is what I presume rape entails. Just a girl walking home from school, sees a tiny toy sized man on the pavement/sidewalk or just off it, looking dazed and confused. She takes an empty jam jar out of her bag and just as I realise she’s approaching and turn to run she places it down over me trapping me, then turns it the right way up, knocking me about inside. She gawks at me in the jar and prods it, giggling, then quickly puts the lid on and hides me in her bag as she walks home. She forgets or isn’t able to put holes in it, so I pass out from lack of oxygen, and wake up thinking it was a nightmare, but I’m in a strange room, everything looks brightly coloured and fake, as I get up and try to work out where I am, the whole side of the room swings open to reveal a gigantic little girl face, she’s looking down and me and giggling, she reaches a gigantic hand towards me, her fingers outstretched wiggling towards me, I try to run deeper into the room, but there’s no escape, the door is just painted on, I’m in a giant toy dollhouse, her dollhouse, I’m caught in her grip and I struggle but her delicate, beautiful, small fingers are so overpowering to me, she lifts me out effortlessly, and holds me up to study me. She begins to pluck off my shoes, socks, lift off my shirt and trousers, I try to fend her off but it’s useless, I’m unable to stop her I’m like a toy in her grip, as she gets me down to my underwear, she giggles excitedly and slides her gigantic fingertip into the front of them, and slides them down as her eyes light up at what she sees, unlike the rest of her toy dolls that are smooth, she’s found something new on this little curious toy/creature, and she learned about this recently at school, he really is a tiny boy with boy bits, this is so much fun for her to explore. Long story short, she gropes me, practices everything her friends told her about boys on me, and even experiments with her own pleasure using me as a sex toy. Now, apparently it’s popular to be shoved into the anus but no thanks, just the v for me. So a lewd girl but not too kinky, gross or gore. Many like vore (swallowed whole) or crush (under her feet), and many are into humiliation and like dirty feet and sweat, not me though, I’m clean an non adventurous for those kinks. Furries and futa are now taking up a lot of the community. Of course everything has to be explicitly 18+. But, there’s something about at that age, just getting started, nervous, not yet confident, hopefully sweet, in my fantasy her motivation is pure curiosity and opportunity, plus her friends have told her boys enjoy it and any prudes will soon stop complaining once they start enjoying it and they will. In the fantasy it doesn’t have to be me (though would be nice), it could be a boy around her age and I just view I through his experience, or if it’s a virtual simulation I’m that age again. Point is I’m a toy doll at the mercy of a young girl exploring for the first time, it’s mostly gentle and playful. But you know, anything not explicitly 18 and you’re a monster apparently, so here I am swimming in these waters trying to see if anyone else like me is here. I found a link to something called AnonGTS but it’s a short onion link so guessing it’s long extinguished, sigh. Just want a forum, chat, image gallery (for AI images), to chat and maybe RP with others like me, read manga about it together, and do NO harm to anyone in the real world, but outside of Japan (and very few other countries) I’m lumped in with people who have extreme tastes that are worrying, and we’re all likely to offend in real life according to the plebs doing the laws, it sucks.
Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)21:05:03 No. C15VMFTC
>>4XSVQXHE > Do you want them to be normal sized and you small or are you normal sized too? I am normal size (not shrunken down). Sometimes I fantasize about the women being taller than me, but they are within the human range of size. Specifically, I sometimes want to be shorter than I am, but within the human range. I don't like giantess/micro stuff in general. >I was so excited when I found out about new AI technology for chatting and making images from scratch, but it’s so heavily censored and really struggles with understanding the whole point of the size difference. I've never used AI to generate pictures, and have almost never used it to generate text. I decided not to use it because most of the stuff people post seems low quality. > But you know, anything not explicitly 18 and you’re a monster apparently, so here I am swimming in these waters trying to see if anyone else like me is here. I don't think I'm like you. Size fetishism, especially gigantic size fetishism, are generally not up my ally. I have fantasized a little bit about something resembling giantesses (technically a shrunken down male, but they seem about the same to me), but my fantasy was bizarre, and not part of the giantess genre. Specifically, I have fantasized about a distant future where men have slowly evolved to be more and more specialized for sex, and more and more sexually dimorphic. Much like the angler fish, the females have grown larger, and the males have grown smaller. The human males have lost almost all intelligence, and have become something like leeches, the job of the male, is to climb to a good area of the woman, and then fuse with the female's body. The male then loses all sentience, and acts as a parasitic node which grows on the female, it lives off of her blood. In exchange for the woman's blood, the male provides semen in her blood stream. The females regularly birth many other males, which they keep as pets until they become sexually mature, After they become sexually mature, the women share their offspring with their friends. A woman has many of these semen nodes attached to her. The above sexual fantasy wasn't very arousing, but I wanted to try my hand at creating a new fetish.
Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)21:12:18 No. A3Y51HI0
>>4XSVQXHE >>C15VMFTC I can understand the idea of a dominant woman playing with you, but I feel like it's more arousing if she is normal sized, and has tied you up. Or if she's using social pressure to control you (blackmail, female dominant society, slavery, etcetera). I kind of like to imagine myself as a doll, but I haven't created very sexual fantasies of that type. I feel like I could probably get into the giantess fantasy since I think my lovemap has many similar stars in the giantess constellation, and I am usually fairly open to new things. It probably won't ever become a fetish though.
Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)21:16:14 No. XTPS4MXM
>>A3Y51HI0 > I can understand the idea of a dominant woman playing with you, but I feel like it's more arousing if she is normal sized, and has tied you up. Or if she's using social pressure to control you (blackmail, female dominant society, slavery, etcetera). I also like it when women are stronger than me, like if she knows judo, works out, &c. Or if she is smarter, like she can trick or manipulate me.
Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)21:29:56 No. TZMKXACG
>>C15VMFTC Well, “giantess” has just become an umbrella term for all of it, it’s more obvious then say “size difference”, but yeah while many like them skyscraper sized, planet sized or universe size, it seems pointless to me as so impersonal, but then they really love the idea of being insignificant I guess, or the giantess crushing whole civilisations without a care. Depends what AI or model you use, have found some good ones for writing but when I take a break and go back, find they’ve been needed a bit more. Images are a nightmare, think it still takes artistic skills to fix them and make anything semi-decent. Hopefully doesn’t take too much longer to get better. Ok, well that’s a shame but I hope I can find others. Interesting, pretty sure that was on an animal TV show with a human animation, was a bit weird and males as “bumps” on a female doesn’t sound attractive but guess it’s still a subservient fetish so similar. Sounds a little too dystopian to me, I just like a fun, friendly, happy ending story, well… he/I likely never gets his own life back, but eventually gives up most of his protesting, probably after discovering she’s quite protective of him, compared to how some other girls might treat him, so he’s better off with her. It’s definitely about the size difference and being her toy doll for me. I can’t make a home/community on the clear web so was hoping to find it here.
Anonymous 06/23/24(Sun)01:16:51 No. U346MDWU >>L64F2LC2
I don't really understand all the kvetching when it comes to underage girls. Just let people enjoy things.
Anonymous 07/09/24(Tue)16:37:12 No. IFYQXX9W
I love child porn :)
Anonymous 12/15/24(Sun)22:02:23 No. OM9ZAEY5 >>ESR7A0VV
OP is talking about a form of lolicon, not cp
Anonymous 12/15/24(Sun)22:11:31 No. L64F2LC2 >>HRL2XCGG
>>U346MDWU There's good reasons for that IMO. Sexual matters are inherently... I'm not sure of the right word for it... "intense", particularly if you did not initiate them. For a small, weak, and vulnerable child, that could well become actual trauma. I don't have first-hand or even second hand evidence but based on things I have had personal experience of it seems extremely plausible to me.
Anonymous 12/16/24(Mon)03:02:00 No. HRL2XCGG
>>L64F2LC2 I think he was talking about people who seethe about anime characters in hentai porn being under the age of 18 rather than having sex with actual children.
Anonymous 12/20/24(Fri)14:29:45 No. ESR7A0VV >>8GR7Z5QD
>>OM9ZAEY5 Kind of, Japan is probably the leading content on it in Manga because their laws are lax (for the moment), but Giantess/Size Difference/GiantTiny is a smaller niche that would probably get lumped in with lolicon and shotacon. I do not support actual CP, I believe that there should be exceptions for drawings, cartoons, animation, A.I. generated, where no victim was actually abused and of course no one’s likeness used without their permission. With all the disclaimers not to harm anyone and to seek help, contact organisations and support numbers. Seems that would be a healthy compromise? Japan seems to have the right balance, though there are attempts to make them as censorious as the rest of the world. Sucks to be criminalised for my fetish I have no control over and just want to connect with others (adults!) about, discuss, make stories, make art (artificially generated, no one harmed). The argument is it encourages it (well don’t see how, in my case I’m the one to be physically abused, but of course it’s not appropriate to even discuss with a minor, I understand that and morally wouldn’t), which seems ludicrous, there maybe an added risk for some individuals but can’t say it’s a universal, otherwise why don’t we ban all violent films on the same basis? The sad thing is, this heavy handed approach to media doesn’t seem to be actually protecting the minors they claim, so many cases of abuse, real abuse, they should focus on that.
Anonymous 12/20/24(Fri)15:29:56 No. 8GR7Z5QD
>>ESR7A0VV I should add, that most examples of loli seem to be REALLY young, and in my case that’s not really appealing and breaks the suspension of disbelief as they wouldn’t be interested in any of that adult stuff at that age, more likely be disgusted. For me it’s about exploring what they’re learning about in sex ed or not long after it, so coming of age, and rather than risk messing around with a boy, same size (but bigger than her), she has this unique opportunity with a toy sized boy (or man) to “explore”, so some point of teenage. She’s abusing me, due to “innocent” curiosity and easily able to overpower and force me, all fantasy of course. Some cute scenes like being trapped in a dollhouse narratively work better with a younger subject, but I guess an 18 year old can still enjoy a dollhouse for the nostalgia, but then she’s maybe more experienced and less enthralled with her new acquisition. For only adults to discuss of course, though I was into this at that time, truth be told, and internet was great, it seems to have gotten heavily sanitised these days. So it’s the perspective, the narrative, the innocent curiosity, maybe even call it art or at least a narrative, not just looking at girls by their age and is not a “gateway” to abusing others. Watching violent films doesn’t make everyone violent, otherwise have to ban them.

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