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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpRRwgyeBak This gives me an idea for a sci-fi story: Premise: internet shitposters and trolls are actually not human, but computer viruses/worms that have evolved sapience in the primordial soup of the internet. The main character is a virus that is trying to enter the physical world somehow. Or maybe a human who has had their mind infected by such a virus a la Snow Crash/Terry A. Davis
Anonymous 08/11/24(Sun)16:20:11 No. J40X05VT
>>WQOID4GQ (OP) tbf this sci-fi story idea is not that far from reality. Just replace computer viruses/worms with botnets financed by Russia/China that use generative AI to generate hate speech and incite violence and civil unrest. The saddest part is that most people are falling for it. This entire culture war bullshit is meant to divide and destabilize us and we're retarded enough to fall for it
Anonymous 08/12/24(Mon)02:23:57 No. AHZGDKRC >>24ZSNDHX
i want to believe op is upset and not shitposting <webp
Anonymous 08/25/24(Sun)02:32:01 No. 24ZSNDHX
>>AHZGDKRC web penis

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