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File: pink-wojak-computer-desk.png (164.71 KiB)
6/10 post on the front page of /b/ are other sites shilling their own unfederated chan. When will it stop ...
Anonymous 11/01/21(Mon)07:45:05 No. fb-M4F9GVX8 >>fb-8UMV1HCC
IDK, but I'd like to introduce you to my own chan: Nanochan! http://nanochanqzaytwlydykbg5nxkgyjxk3zsrctxuoxdmbx5jbh2ydyprid.onion/ Nno, no, wait, that's not it. So, so sorry, Biden moment, Biden moment... Here we go: Onee Chan! http://oneechnq2pn57jfud3wkwtfkthtwrqnqqv7hlyzoy46jgukcd67hylyd.onion/ Ohwait, maybe you don't have Tor. Sorry sorry, here: https://onee.ch/ Err, no, crap. Third time's the charm, right? Let's see... Eris Chan! https://erischan.org/ Yes, eys, that's IT! Hail Eris! Praise Discordia! Cthulhu fh'tagn! His Noodly Appendage hath arrived! No, not really. =)
Anonymous 11/01/21(Mon)08:58:54 No. fb-FWLVLSKS >>fb-H5E2ECSM
>>fb-2SEJ1LJC (OP) I think that imageboard spam should be delted unless it's original software or can federate with fchan.
File: Screenshot 2021-09-24 2033(...).png (166.03 KiB)
>>fb-FWLVLSKS >delted ah fuck
File: redditjak.png (549.74 KiB)
op you soyjack posting reddit spacing metabaiting faggot doublespic understand the cult of posting centralised shitholes then shitting on that op on the designated federated imageboard for almost two decades straight youre using rageface2 afterall >>>>>>>>IT WAS JUSTA PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED PRANK KIND STRANGER ... ,,,
Anonymous 11/02/21(Tue)02:29:06 No. fb-60A7E1P7
post better/more original threads instead of whining about it
Anonymous 11/10/21(Wed)16:45:14 No. fb-8UMV1HCC
>>fb-M4F9GVX8 fuck nanochan, this moron that's constantly coming out with brainlet takes recommended it so it's shit by association

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