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File: Screenshot_20211002_215525.png (11.35 KiB)
torba took over ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Anonymous 10/02/21(Sat)09:28:41 No. fb-CRWRSH4S
>>fb-30R6HA4F (OP) torba quit fucking with shit.
Anonymous 10/02/21(Sat)14:55:10 No. fb-QV4N3G17 >>fb-537DT5GU
>>fb-30R6HA4F (OP) wtf happened
Anonymous 10/03/21(Sun)01:31:58 No. fb-537DT5GU
>>fb-QV4N3G17 Something broke because none of the other boards are receiving posts from fchan.xyz
Anonymous 10/03/21(Sun)01:43:41 No. fb-YVZ1JGEG
>>fb-30R6HA4F (OP) Also the all of fchan.xyz following and followers lists are empty, and it isn't receiving any new threads.
File: OMY87N2R.png (34.63 KiB)
>>fb-30R6HA4F (OP) yeah shits fucked. someone was able to gain access and deleted the following and follower data from the DB. shutting shit down, was fun but like pen i mean jeff said, aint nobody got time to manage an imageboard. im still interested in developing the software and making it better, running a front end is not worth the effort at the moment. appreciated all the suport and interest inb4 another chan not making it
File: carry on my way.png (381.74 KiB)
o7 fchan.xyz
Anonymous 10/03/21(Sun)03:08:47 No. fb-G4RATESG
Blast. Disappointing, but not unexpected. There've been signs things have been not quite right for a while. No active development was one. Best of luck in the future.

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