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File: 742b8e8eec78b7e3b5d10ab903(...).gif (22.00 KiB)
New instance (Fedorachan) Anonymous 07/13/21(Tue)22:34:23 No. fb-3Q0W2J70
Hello. I've made a new FChannel instance. I am following the boards from your site that I also have. Please follow my site's boards back, thanks! https://fedorachan.vip/ (Please ignore/delete this thread if it's a repost, not all instances follow each other's board so I have to (re)post this thread on some sites which creates duplicates on others.)
Anonymous 07/14/21(Wed)01:13:05 No. fb-G3OPAHXF
>>fb-3Q0W2J70 (OP) Congrats I'll federate with your boards in a minute
Anonymous 07/30/21(Fri)20:19:35 No. fb-UW897WWR
>>fb-RV1QZTQH → Sounds like its time for you to put in a little pull request
Anonymous 07/31/21(Sat)22:22:02 No. fb-25M9WOBK
>>fb-QKSXLZEL → >>fb-0X35YZ3L → thats not me faggot

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