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Graphene oxyde in Covid vaccines Anonymous 08/08/21(Sun)16:30:45 No. fb-6QG74DJA
There is graphene oxyde in Covid vaccines. This substance is a poison, it makes you sick, and it also is possible to connect it, when inside your body, to the 5G. Here are some links: https://odysee.com/@ExcaliburTraduction:4/Poison-Vax-Covid-Ex-Employ%C3%A9e-Pfizer-Wl-1:f? https://odysee.com/@letablierblanc:4/06-Loxyde-de-graph%C3%A8ne---Dr-Jane-Ruby:8?
Anonymous 08/08/21(Sun)17:17:14 No. fb-326C72ZC
>>fb-6QG74DJA (OP) LOL
Anonymous 08/10/21(Tue)03:03:22 No. fb-AAD09A34
>>fb-6QG74DJA (OP) This is nothing
Anonymous 08/10/21(Tue)05:22:43 No. fb-K9GYTM64
>>fb-6QG74DJA (OP) take your meds. I only trust Scientists. Please dont post this on my atheist board. - kind stranger
Anonymous 12/06/21(Mon)18:39:19 No. fb-QYUVADMN >>fb-CS1HV32S
The Vax: Dr. Franc Zalewski Discovers Hatching Parasite Eggs; The PCR Test: Collecting Your DNA October 25, 2021 https://www.algora.com/Algora_blog/2021/10/25/the-jab-scientist-discovers-hatching-parasite-eggs-the-pcr-test-collecting-dna https://web.archive.org/web/20211026064725/https://www.algora.com/Algora_blog/2021/10/25/the-jab-scientist-discovers-hatching-parasite-eggs-the-pcr-test-collecting-dna
Anonymous 12/09/21(Thu)11:33:30 No. fb-CS1HV32S
>>fb-QYUVADMN Recent news, Andreas Noack, a german scientist, denounced the presence of graphene hydroxyde (not graphene oxyde, graphene hydroxyde), inside the vax. He died a few days later in "mysterious" circumstances. Graphene hydroxyde is a substance that cut your blood vessels, and apparently never leaves your body. Andreas Noack literally died for us. And i will remember his name.
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Apparently, there is nano-router circuitry in covid vaccines.

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