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What are the options?? (in the post form) there is a box for options but it is not explained anywhere what the options are!
Anonymous 02/20/22(Sun)23:05:39 No. fb-W8VHRA69
>>fb-8KU7CPVD (OP) lurk more
Anonymous 02/22/22(Tue)03:52:21 No. CTFJDTEI
>>fb-8KU7CPVD (OP) lurk moar
Anonymous 02/22/22(Tue)05:42:28 No. fb-3G5PH3WH >>fb-GIUYUSES
>>fb-8KU7CPVD (OP) Enter sage in that field, and the thread will automatically be saged.
Anonymous 02/22/22(Tue)07:00:16 No. fb-GIUYUSES
>>fb-3G5PH3WH yeah i just saw its all listed in the faq :)

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