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what am i doing here newbie 09/16/21(Thu)12:09:15 No. fb-AP4NRW72
hey guys what is this chan for? is it merely for programmers etc?
Anonymous 09/16/21(Thu)12:15:10 No. fb-J98A2YV2
>>fb-AP4NRW72 (OP) it's an all purpose chan, we just happen to have a few tech boards on this specific instance
Anonymous 09/16/21(Thu)12:27:17 No. fb-FDUGAKJP
>>fb-J98A2YV2 okay sounds nice people here also seem nice and all :)
Anonymous 09/18/21(Sat)02:22:36 No. fb-PYYOSU0L
>>fb-AP4NRW72 (OP) this looked like childporn for a second got scared. damn neonoteonus japs
Anonymous 09/18/21(Sat)08:03:39 No. fb-SL8NZNWP
>>fb-AP4NRW72 (OP) newbie bewbie sex

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