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"The current version of the code running on the server is still a work-in-progress product, expect a bumpy ride for the time being" 5 years later shit still sucks and no one is working on any fixes.
sage 03/01/22(Tue)04:45:46 No. fb-JRPJZ7I3
>>fb-BK5O735J (OP) weez nuts
File: 5n5dibawgvd61.jpg (909.77 KiB)
>5 years later
Anonymous 03/03/22(Thu)03:30:05 No. 8KY3V6PO >>LGCGN59P
>>fb-BK5O735J (OP) who the fuck are you quoting
Anonymous 03/18/22(Fri)01:05:05 No. fb-BPZ1W9PO
>>fb-BK5O735J (OP) neither are you faggot it's open sores and federated the point is to do it yourself if you don't like the current code
Anonymous 03/25/22(Fri)02:51:52 No. TKM44LK1
>>fb-BK5O735J (OP) easier to bitch and whine than to be the change you want to see
opisafag 03/27/22(Sun)03:01:12 No. LGCGN59P
>>8KY3V6PO >who the fuck are you quoting god also op you are a faggot sage

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