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Compulsive lying Anonymous 11/06/21(Sat)13:28:24 No. fb-DWVAN7AA
I do not know what to do,I made tons of bizarre and ridiculous claims to get attention and try to fit with my friends. However they quite quickly noticed that what I said was bullshit and started to become annoying, some lies remain unexposed but I managed to resist the urge to lie. Do i just tell my friends the truth with the risk of them getting furious?
Anonymous 11/06/21(Sat)16:21:40 No. fb-UUJ36TK7 >>fb-Z8DF3LYZ
>>fb-DWVAN7AA (OP) just stop lying about bullshit that's not worth it and be yourself. if you can't be yourself around them then you probably don't really like them. liars are annoying
Anonymous 11/07/21(Sun)17:52:09 No. fb-Z8DF3LYZ
>>fb-UUJ36TK7 got it, thanks anon

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