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File: ayashii_world.png (64.10 KiB)
Can you add this @admin Anonymous 09/19/21(Sun)16:49:04 No. fb-E5NYXUTZ
@admin can you add buttons for kaomoji? I would appreciate it. >inb4 use /meta/
Anonymous 09/20/21(Mon)11:49:16 No. fb-X5JL2Y8M
nigga never heard of a txt file on god
Anonymous 09/20/21(Mon)13:49:10 No. fb-3P86WXVT
>>fb-E5NYXUTZ (OP) use meta
Anonymous 09/20/21(Mon)21:02:23 No. fb-5NFFU99B
nigga pull up japanese_emichos.txt why do you need the admin to shit up the software for

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