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File: 11.gif (165.33 KiB)
holy crap russia invauded ukrane. I will give 5 to one odds... i bet that russia will win lol.
>>fb-FYS4NK28 (OP) nothing ever happens
Anonymous 02/24/22(Thu)07:51:11 No. fb-NKW41ETK >>fb-84EPM4DY
>>fb-OCRVBW11 ??????? bro, ppl are being killed. I would call that "happening". turn on the news
Anonymous 02/24/22(Thu)07:54:07 No. fb-1W3CWFK6 >>fb-84EPM4DY
>>fb-OCRVBW11 the potential for world war 3 is on. I would call that "happening"
File: FMWRYwbXIAA0R_z.jpg (22.20 KiB)
>>fb-NKW41ETK >>fb-1W3CWFK6
Anonymous 02/24/22(Thu)18:52:51 No. fb-FJ3X1YHX >>fb-FBFN6TXA
>>fb-FYS4NK28 (OP) not my problem
Anonymous 02/24/22(Thu)22:21:54 No. fb-FBFN6TXA
>>fb-FJ3X1YHX go buy some gas then, moron.

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