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File: 0ad901cf8b94441c1d526437e8(...).png (610.36 KiB)
This is a test.
Anonymous 10/03/21(Sun)01:38:37 No. fb-IOQ6GJKY >>fb-D23YFGVE
How do I reply to a thread without JS and without having to manually type the URL?
Anon 10/03/21(Sun)01:39:46 No. fb-BCZ1IP0U
Anonymous 10/03/21(Sun)01:41:33 No. fb-D23YFGVE
>>fb-IOQ6GJKY You can click No.
Anonymous 10/03/21(Sun)01:42:04 No. fb-WXN0LTWD
Oh! I have to click "No.", not the actual number. This is pretty bad, imo.
Anonymous 10/03/21(Sun)01:43:38 No. fb-IQXWZ8HL >>fb-12EL35I1
Noko works, but not being defaults is a bit annoying.
nokosage 10/03/21(Sun)02:32:15 No. fb-12EL35I1
>>fb-IQXWZ8HL nokosage deez nuts asshole
Anonymous 10/26/21(Tue)05:55:11 No. A8JSZWP0
>>fb-KQMWWWU2 (OP) hmmmmmmmmmnngg maaan thats a juicy test

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