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File: 31F7BA06-B8D5-4732-8495-E0(...).jpeg (190.56 KiB)
Hey 😉 my name is patience enjoy my sexy BBW tits
File: 14A53447-6D01-4D82-820D-F1(...).jpeg (419.50 KiB)
Maybe… he should’ve been nicer and maybe I wouldn’t have fucked everyone he knows.
File: 7612ADA3-9FCA-48F0-B711-C8(...).jpeg (388.42 KiB)
I’m not a bot.
sage 09/30/21(Thu)01:14:21 No. fb-5Z69NPS0
>>fb-L3F2UO5L (OP) fuck off faggot nobody likes lardasses take your degenerate ass out the door
File: 77309744-683B-4109-936E-CE(...).jpeg (303.70 KiB)
>>fb-TADCDY4V → I’m not a bot and why should I go away? I just like showing off my slutty body.
File: 6B9D2855-4734-46F8-96D4-9E(...).jpeg (1.66 MiB)
If you found me tied up like this what would you do?
File: external-content.duckduckg(...).duckduckgo.com.jpeg (98.18 KiB)
>>fb-FNUIUBUG keep you tied up, move it out to the yard, and buy a new bed. euck.

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