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https://kozin1.space/ Tor: http://kozinmswacmsxglvocknk6mmljk2ompgeqnbvrmybfjceyzwbmkdvzad.onion/
sage 07/30/21(Fri)14:15:28 No. fb-KGCDR73K
i'll be generous and give this one 3 days. kill yourself faggot
Anonymous 08/01/21(Sun)02:59:10 No. fb-5R9DF7J3 >>fb-3D1ZSD5Z
sage 08/01/21(Sun)18:10:39 No. fb-3D1ZSD5Z
>>fb-35IXJDUG → >>fb-5R9DF7J3 funny how the "dead" federated instances are still up while every single centralized le ebin tor instance gets shut down in a week. honestly kill yourselves you're so worthless

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