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>>fb-MC2V7U44 (OP) ??
File: anime_girl_question_mark.png (77.89 KiB)
>>fb-MC2V7U44 (OP) ???!
File: cuter than shitty toga och(...).jpg (359.65 KiB)
that use layered encryption, the adversary’s typical goal is to observe both the initiator and the responder. By observing both ends, passive attackers can confirm a suspicion that Alice is talking to Bob if the timing and volume patterns of the traffic on the connection are distinct enough; active attackers can induce timing signatures on the traffic to force distinct patterns. Rather than focusing on these traffic confirmation attacks, we aim to prevent traffic analysis attacks, where the adversary uses traffic patterns to learn which points in the network he should attack. Our adversary might try to link an initiator Alice with her communication partners, or try to build a prof
Anonymous 10/03/21(Sun)01:42:35 No. fb-4LMOICMV

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