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I've had a rough day. Anonymous 01/05/22(Wed)23:14:37 No. fb-NRC836QN
I hope your day is better.
Anonymous 01/06/22(Thu)00:59:44 No. fb-45IIIDFV >>fb-MN5AX9BD
>>fb-NRC836QN (OP) Not great, not terrible.
Anonymous 01/06/22(Thu)05:05:51 No. fb-LC0ILR0T
>>fb-NRC836QN (OP) its been whataever days seem to blur there is no real meaning just getting used to the mundane dont worry OP it will all start over tomorrow
Anonymous 01/06/22(Thu)22:56:44 No. QX2UUYQ2
>>fb-NRC836QN (OP) what happened OP? you can tell us
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Anonymous 01/21/22(Fri)20:18:25 No. fb-35AE2WRX
>>fb-NRC836QN (OP) You can never have good days without crumby ones, alway rember happy dey.

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