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Stabilization Anonymous 08/24/21(Tue)18:40:51 No. fb-OKVKHL0N
26ch is kill.. fedorachan came and went.. KTP is being shutdown.. Fedichan is balancing out
Anonymous 08/24/21(Tue)18:46:33 No. fb-5E18SAZ1
>>fb-OKVKHL0N (OP) literally nothing
Anonymous 08/24/21(Tue)21:50:24 No. fb-98WUJ8IH
>>fb-OKVKHL0N (OP) Water finds its level or something
Anonymous 08/25/21(Wed)02:12:17 No. fb-0NMOTG03
something something tears in rain
Anonymous 08/25/21(Wed)03:34:18 No. fb-ZZF0RSLF
>>fb-OKVKHL0N (OP) centralized altchans are providing only a temporary solution to the norminess and censorship of 4chan
Anonymous 08/25/21(Wed)17:46:54 No. fb-VY76PWRK
I got ligma and lost 10 IQ points, but in return i am happier now.
Anonymous 08/27/21(Fri)09:41:46 No. A0SMKKQ1
>>fb-OKVKHL0N (OP) What a shame
Test. Sorry.
Anonymous 08/28/21(Sat)23:18:57 No. fb-W77BR8B6
>>fb-NQ5B1EV8 More like PISS
Anonymous 08/29/21(Sun)17:54:37 No. fb-NJ2NUXJZ
>>fb-NQ5B1EV8 piss. sorry.
nigger 09/16/21(Thu)00:09:51 No. CE76ELAZ
Anonymous 09/20/21(Mon)13:51:24 No. fb-M6PXP77K
>>fb-OKVKHL0N (OP) they'll be back, if not, we still have the few goliaths that stand the test of time and federation (and maybe more in the future)
Anonymous 09/20/21(Mon)13:57:23 No. fb-9B284NQO
>>fb-CE76ELAZ → thats not your name

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